Chapter 8

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It had been about a month since I started college

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It had been about a month since I started college. I had great friends that I was spending every minute with.

I was making a good impression in all of my classes. It honestly couldn't go any better. Well maybe it could.

Rohan Singh. He was becoming an issue. Since the very first day he and I got off the wrong foot and I didn't even know why.

He was incredibly rude to me and didn't let a single chance go where he could annoy the crap out of me.

I constantly encountered him even though I only had one tutorial with him. He was in the class that I genuinely was the most excited to take and now he had ruined it.

The class was on Monday morning which was today and I was already dreading to go. It's not like Mondays aren't annoying enough already.

I walked into the class where my friends were already waiting for me. "Hey guys" I said as I sat down on my seat.

Rohan walked in with a cup of coffee in his hand. He wore a faded t-shirt that was tucked into his jeans.

He had a ring in a chain around his neck as usual. Today he decided to wear a cap to complete his look.

I snorted loudly when he sat to make sure he heard me. He glared at me before he took his seat in front of me.

"Finally found a cap to help you cover up that awful hair of yours" I wasn't going to lie, I was quite proud of that.

"Don't worry I'll let you borrow it for your hair sometime" He didn't even waste a second before he was firing with a comeback.

His back was still turned to me and it took all of my energy not to kick his chair which he actually did the day before.

I was casually having lunch with my friends when he entered with his friends. He glared at me the second he saw me.

I just looked at him blankly wondering where all of that hatred even came from. I just turned back and focused on my meal.

Just when I turned, he walked right behind my chair to get to the other table and I felt a kick on my chair.

I turned around in disbelief but he just casually walked away. I watched him walk to a table and sit with his friends. He smirked at me as he sat down.

"Aight morning all of you" Derek walked in and everyone went silent. I should probably not kick someone off their chair in front of my prof.

"I hope all of you read the reading I sent out or you'll be incredibly lost today" He said as he walked to the middle of the stage.

"We'll be reviewing the movie of Pride and Prejudice" He started. I was a big fan of the book and enjoyed the movie so I was glad I won't be lost in class.

"The reading I sent out was for those who haven't read Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen" Who hasn't read that book. Hopefully that idiot Rohan.

"Today we will compare how different the movie is and why these differences exist" He explained the assignment.

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