Chapter 18

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I rushed out of my house while my brother shouted, "Have fun on your date!" from behind me

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I rushed out of my house while my brother shouted, "Have fun on your date!" from behind me.

My brother was convinced that Rohan and I had something going on between each other. I couldn't tell him how wrong he was.

I was glad I hadn't mentioned how much Rohan and I despised each other especially in college. I kept our fights and competitiions to myself.

Mostly because my brother is really protective over me and would beat him up. I was not going to let murder charges get to my brother.

Plus, since bhaiyya thinks we are close, he doesn't question me hanging out with him. Which means now I can plot his love life in peace.

I laughed as I rushed out. "Enjoy my date?" I talked to myself. "More like enjoy plotting for your date" I laughed to myself.

I walked to the public pool which was filled with dozens of people. Children ran around and teens chilled by or in the pool.

I texted Rohan and he said he was already here. He told me his stuff was on the third pool chair from the lifeguard's chair.

I spotted it and walked over, careful not to hit anyone on the way. There was so much crowd here.

I shoud've just invited him to the pool at our house. I got to the chair and saw his belongings.

I tapped the screen of his phone and smiled when I saw him with his sister on the lock screen.

I put his bag to the side of the chair and laid down. I drank from my bottle as I waited for Rohan.

I scanned around for Rohan, in attempt to spot him. My head turned towards the side of the pool. I smiled when I saw it was Rohan.

my smile dropped when his biceps bulged as he held onto the edge of the pool to push himself out of the water.

He made his way out of the pool and stretched out. He grazed his fingers through his hair which was soaking wet from the pool.

Water dripped down his body and covered his perfectly toned abs. I looked away immediately when he started making his way towards me.

"Afternoon princess" He greeted and I smiled at him. "May I?" He pointed to the chair. I shifted my legs slightly to give him some space.

He sat down and dried himself off. i would be lying if I said I didn't stare. "So you only gonna stare or tell me why we're here?" He said casually.

"Me? Stare at you? Please" I said sarcastidally. "Right" He mumbled. "Listen uhm how's ur sister ?" I asked.

"She's good I guess"He shrugged. "Oh she saw the video and she is over the moon at how much it affected her ex" He happily told me.

"OMG thats amazing" I was genuinely happy that his sister finally got peace from the whole breakup.

"So what kind of guys she into besides you know...cheaters" I asked causally. "I don't know we dont usually talk about relationships" He told me.

"Yeah but like do you know any of her friends or mutual friends that may be good for her?" I pried. "Wait a minute" I watched him realise something.

"I know whats going on" He simply said. "Are you getting close to me because you like my sister" I sat there dumbfounded.

There was a moment of silence before he burst out laughing. I rolled my eyes when I realised he was messing with me.

"You...should've seen...your face" he gasped for air as he tried to contain his laughter. "ha ha very funny" I said sarcastically.

"You should've been a comedian" I smacked his arm. "Okay listen" I got his attention. "Okay okay what" he stopped laughing and listened to me.

"Anyone for your sister?" I asked. "Why you tryna set up my sister?" He asked confused. "I have a great guy in mind for her" I told him.

He raised his brow, waiting for me to tell him. "My brother" I said. He looked at me for a few moments, trying to process what i just said.

"Your brother?" He asked. "My brother" I repeated confidently. "Suhana thats weird" My smile dropped when he said that.

"You think my brother is weird?" I asked him, offended. "No idiot your brother is great" My smile returned.

"And he seems like a nice person" My smile widened. He put his hand up in warning. "But" My smile dropped again when he said that.

"But what?" I pouted. "Isn't it weird if we set up our siblings?" He asked. I scooted closer to him because the noises of the public around us got louder.

"No why would it be?" I asked back. "Its not like we're getting together" I gestured between the two of us.

Before he could say anything else, I cut him off. "Let me explain please?" He gestured for me to continue. I happily scooted nearer to him.

"Bhaiyya and your sister had sort of a thing but not really a thing" I explained and he looked at me confused.

"Bhaiyya never got to tell her how much he really likes her because that cheater of a jason came in the way" I told him.

"Now they're both single and he really likes her" I said. "Rohan I promise my brother is a decent man and he would never do anything to hurt her" I assured him.

I could tell Rohan was quite protective over his sister like bhaiyya is for me. He thought for a couple of seconds before he looked at me and said, "Alright fine new mission then"

I excitedly leapt into his arms. "Thank you" He hugged me back and asked me, "What's the plan?" I stopped him by pulling back.

"Plan later" I told him. I waved my hands in front of my face. "It's way too hot, I need the pool" I said to him.

I got off the chair and slowly removed my top before making my way into the pool with my bathing suit, knowing full well Rohan's eyes were on me.

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