Chapter 17

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I clung onto Rohan and placed my head at the back of his shoulder. The wind blew in my face and caused my hair to flow back.

I sat on the back of his bike as he sped through the streets of LA in the middle of the night. I watched him turn the corner to my street.

He pulled up in my driveway. "Your residence princess" He said. I chuckled and placed my hands on his shoulders before getting off his bike.

"Thank you for dropping me home" I said with a smile. I started walking towards my front door but stopped myself.

I turned to him and asked, "Do you wanna...?" I pointed to the house. He shook his head. "Oh no no I gotta get home" He refused my offer.

"Goodnight then" I said before I walked into my house. I heard him start his bike and ride off as I closed the door.

"And what is your common interest exactly?" I jumped at my brother's voice. He stood against the counter with a bowl in his hand.

"Are you eating cereal at two in the morning?" I asked. "Are you dodging my question?" He asked back. I rolled my eyes and walked into my room.

"Come on I'm your big brother tell me" He walked into my room after me. "There's nothing to tell" I simply said.

"Please you two are so obvious" He said. "Whatever nothing is going on between us" I told him. He rolled his eyes. "Sure"

His phone buzzed and he rushed to check it. I saw him worriedly look at it his phone. He leaned against my bedroom door and didn't bother to look up at me.

The way he was looking at his phone made me wonder if he had received the news of the video. I tried to sound as casual as possible.

"Bhaiyya? What're you looking at?" He didn't look up. In fact I didnt think he even heard me because all he said was, "mhm"

I was convinced that he had found out about the post and was worried about Ria. "Why do you care so much bhaiyaa?" I asked him.

He looked up at me. "What?" He asked back. "I know you liked her and everything" I continued. "But isn't it obvious that she does not care about you?" He just stared at me confused.

"You think she doesn't care about me?" He asked. I sat on my bed, dumbfounded. My brother is not an idiot, in fact he is one of the smartest people I know.

It baffled me as to why he was so clueless about this situation. "Seriously?" I asked, still completely shocked.

"I just never told her how I felt but I always thought that she maybe..." Bhaiyya's voice faded off as I thought about what he said.

My brother just said he had never told her how he felt so did I just punish the wrong girl? Were bhaiyya and her never together? Did Rohan lie to prank me?

My thoughts were overlapping each other in my mind and I started to feel a migraine coming along.

"You sure you never told her?" I cut him off from whatever he was telling me. "Well yeah" He said. "And you sure you were never together?" I asked.

"Well I mean we had that flin-" "No no officially" I said. "No we were never together officially" My heart sank. "She got her boyfriend" He mumbled.

Did Ria not cheat on bhaiyya since they were never together? Did I really fuck up that bad? "Suhana?" My brother snapped me out of my daze.

He sat on the bed next to me. "What are you thi-" He got interrupted by a phone call. "Hey what's up?" He answered the call.

"Wait...for real? Are you...wait let me go check... ya bye bye" He hung up hurriedly. Before I could ask him, I saw him go on Instagram and open his college Instagram page for students.

The video Rohan and I took was already posted and bhaiyya's reaction shocked me. I thought he had already seen the video before the phone call.

"See this is why I didn't want you talking to her" He told me as he finished the video. "If I had known she was already with someone I would've never dated her" He told me.

I whipped my head up from his phone to him. "Dated her?" I asked, shocked. "Yeah just one date and well one night as well" He simply said.

My brother had just told me he had never told her he liked her and weren't officially together. "Wait so you did go out with her?" I asked.

My brother looked at me with furrowed. "Yes Suhana, what's with the questions" He told me. "I mean yeah she's not someone I'd ususally be interested in" He said.

"I was just really upset about Ruhi so I thought why not" He said as he placed his phone on the bed. OMG RUHI! I finally understood what was going on.

At last, I was able to connect the dots and figure out who my brother liked. "Ruhi" I whispered to myself. My brother must've caught it.

"Yeah I know I didn't think I'd ever tell anyone but I guess you connected the dots at our party" He simply said.

"Right...I definetely connected the dots at our party" I said awkwardly. "She's amazing isn't she" He laid on my bed and stared at the ceiling with a smile.

"You are so smitten" I teased him. "Shut up" He rolled his eyes at me. I could tell my brother really liked Ruhi and I know he is aware of how to treat a woman right.

He would be good for her as well. The wheels of my mind started turning again and I came up with another mission.

This time I definetly needed Rohan's help. I laid next to bhaiyya. "Uhm bhaiyya can I go out tommorow?" I asked.

I knew I didn't need to but I have respect for my elder brother. "Of course, who with?" He asked. "Rohan" I told him.

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