Chapter 10

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I walked with my friends while we talked about the play excitedly as we enjoyed our morning coffee

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I walked with my friends while we talked about the play excitedly as we enjoyed our morning coffee.

"Oo Sue look" Maira pointed at Rohan who was walking towards me with his friends. I confidently walked towards him and he took long strides towards me.

"Suhana" He greeted. "Rohan" I replied in the same tone. "Princess seems a little off today I wonder why" He mocked me.

"Well it's just because I feel bad for this wannabe jerk I know" I mocked him. We had caught the attention of several students around us.

"So you got your part?" He asked. "Of course I did" I told him. I could see the spite on his face. I smirked at him.

"And I assume you got the role of some servant boy?" I mocked him and students around laughed.

"You're looking at our college Romeo" His friend said as he patted Rohan's shoulder. "What?" I blurted out.

"Wait wait college Romeo?" Maira asked. "Yeah that was a little cringy" His friend replied. I shut my eyes as my friends burst out laughing.

"Well your Romeo should know who his Juliet is" Alayna mocked as she rested her forearm on my shoulder.

"What?" Rohan muttered. "Wait really?" One his friends said. I just took a deep breath and looked away.

All of our friend burst out laughing. Rohan and I glared at each other before turning around and walking away from each other.

There more I despised Rohan, the more I was forced to see him. At first, I only had to deal with him for one class and a few times around campus.

But now, I was seeing him everyday for rehearsal. To make matters worse, we were cast opposite each other.

"I can't believe I'm his Juliet" I groaned as I plopped onto my chair. "Come on it's the not that bad" Maira tried to reason with me.

"Not that bad? I'm literally confessing my love for him" I showed her the script. She snorted at my reaction.

"Alright sorry" I sighed and went back to practicing my dialogues. I looked at Rohan who was on the opposite end doing the same.

It was the last day of rehearsals before the actual show and everyone was stressed. Rohan and I were practicing our lines with Derek who was not happy with our scenes.

Rohan and I just couldn't bring ourselves to show affection for each other and it was getting too obvious in our acting.

"Out of all the scenes this one is your worse" Derek scolded us. It was the scene where we had to kiss.

"Yeah exactly you need to focus on your lines" Rohan scolded me. "So do you!" I retaliated. "Okay that's it you two come with me" Derek instructed.

We followed him quietly into another room. "Listen you two the play is being held tomorrow" He said in a stern tone.

"And neither of you look like you can handle your roles" He scolded us. We stayed silent and listened to him.

"I know you two have your differences but when you leave college and enter the film world, you'll have to work with people you dislike sometimes" He explained.

"And you're going to have to be okay with it" I understood what he was trying to say. I can mention several stories from Bollywood that have had these instances.

"Now you two work this out or you can say goodbye to anymore plays" He told us before he walked out of the room.

Rohan and I stayed silent for a while. "Look I-" "Listen Su-" We said at the same time. "You first-" "Sorry yo-" We laughed awkwardly at each other.

He gestured for me to continue. "Call truce for this play?" I asked. He nodded and said, "Sure" I sighed in relief and we back to rehearsal.

The next night, the auditorium filled with students, professors and some parents. The play was about to start soon.

I peered through the curtains to look at the audience. They were chatting away as they waited for the play to begin.

"Truce ends tonight" Rohan reminded me and I rolled my eyes at him. "Yeah yeah I know" I said smiling.

"Oh by the way take a mint before our kiss will ya?" I mocked him and he dramatically clutched his chest.

"Come on Sue you're on" I immediately got into character and went on with the play. Rohan and I were in our characters on stage when our kissing scene came on.

He pulled me in by the waist and tilted his head lightly. I watched him lean in and closed my eyes. His lips fell on mine and took me in a soft kiss.

The scene was to show Juliet doesn't kiss back because she was young and unaware so I didn't kiss him back.

I would be lying, despite my annoyance towards him, if I didn't say that I had to fight the urge to not kiss him back.

His lips were so soft as they grazed against mine. He held onto me so carefully as if worried he was going to hurt me.

When he pulled away, it took a lot of energy not to pull him in again. I didn't know why I felt this way about one little kiss.

We ended the play earning a standing ovation from the audience. Rohan and I rose from our positions as we sprawled onto the stage after the death scene.

The entire cast stood in a row and we bowed to the audience as a team. We exited the stage and the audience exited the auditorium.

"That was awesome!" Alayna exclaimed. The whole cast chatted amongst each other. "You guys were so great I'm in love" I told Alayna and Maira.

"You and Rohan made a good pair" Maira nudged me. "Shut up" She laughed at me. "Listen up" Derek called us. He got the attention of a few of us.

"All of you did a splendid job and can we give a special hand to our Romeo and Juliet" Everyone clapped and I smiled at Rohan who surprisingly smiled back.

"You're all free to go once you get changed" Derek informed us. "Come on you two are staying at my place tonight" I told my friends.

It was the weekend and I wanted to spend time with them. "Suhana?" Rohan stopped me. "Yeah?" I asked.

"Uhm we'll go change" Alayna said quickly and dragged Maira away. "I just wanted to say tha-" My phone buzzed and interrupted Rohan.

"Oh sorry I-oh can I please take this?" I asked him. "Sure" He simply said. I accepted the FaceTime excitedly.

"Hi papa!" I greeted my dad. "Hi baby! How was your play?" He asked. "So good! We got a standing ovation and everything!" I told him excitedly.

"That's good sweetheart and I love the costume" I gave him a full view when he mentioned my costume.

"Oh let me see-oh baby you look so pretty" My mom told me. "Thank you ma" AbRam came onto the screen and asked, "Where's your Romeo didi?"

I turned to ask Rohan to say hi but he had left. "Uhm he went to change I guess. I have to change as well actually. Can I call you later?" I excused myself and hung up.

Once I was back into my clothes, I looked around the auditorium for Rohan but didn't find him. "Who you looking for?" Alayna asked.

"Just Rohan" I told her. "You mean your Romeo?" I rolled my eyes. "For God's sake Aly" I spotted Rohan and walked up to him.

"Hey where'd you go?" I asked. "I can't wait on you princess" He said rudely. "I just wanted to ask what you wanted to tell me" I said softly.

"I just wanted to say the truce is over" With that he left the auditorium, leaving me with my initial impression of him: A complete asshole.

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