Free Holiday Seasons of Tokyo Part 1

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*The next day, They are preparing luggages.*

Shirudo: Come on guys!

Steve: I'm coming! *Run*

Skales: Woah, Woah! Slow down, Dude

Kira: We are excited to meet our friend, Shigeko. She's from Japan. So! We wanted to see her!

April: *text their other friends from the Super League* I should text them!

Alex: Let's go! We gonna be late! They need us!

Everyone: Ok! *Get their luggages*

*They are going to the airport. They're inside the airplane and travel to Tokyo, Japan.*

Selena: *sigh* Long live peace

April: I know, right!

Shigeko: *whistle*

Everyone: *look at Shigeko*

Shigeko: *waving hand*

Emily: Shigeko! You are arrived!

Shigeko: Of course, You are arrived, too ^^

Carolina: *blush* OMG! YOU LOOK SO WONDERFUL!

Shigeko: Thanks

Steve: Wow, This place is beautiful! I love it!

Shigeko: You're all excited to see me. Hmm?

Oscar: Yes!

Thunder: Daddies, Look! It's them!

Shakes: Go, Talk to them ^^

Steve: Who is this kid with Shakes & El Matador?

Aurora: His name is Thunder. He is the son of Shakes and El Matador

Steve: Woah! I haven't seen their child before! Wait.... Shakes & El Matador are married!?

Selena: Yes ^^

Steve: I was congrats to them that they have a one child. Cute family

Twisting Tiger: Hoo! Of course!

Coach: Looks like all of you have the free holiday seasons of Japan. I need to meet the coaches of the Super League. Good luck everyone! *Walk*

Everyone: See ya!

Ami: What should we do?

Aurora: Beatrice, North Shaw and I have a buy more shoppings!

North Shaw: Nice one, Aurora!

Beatrice: Fine

Klaus: Can I take April! She's beautiful!

Everyone: Of course, Klaus

Shirudo: Kira, Tiger & I have going to the bridge

Carolina: Shigeko and I going to the restaurant! *Hug her*

Shigeko: She's right

Oscar: Aw, you two are now couples!

Carolina: O///w///O

Shigeko: Excuse me? What did you say!? ರ////////ರ

Steve: Calm down, Shigeko! You and Carolina are cutest couples! I really love the people loves each other of genderbends

Kimiko: Guys! Let's separated each other! What about you?

Steve: I'm alone walking as...

Emily: You really love here, right?

Steve: *sigh* Of course

Big Bo: That's so sweet, Steve^^. Let's find the place because we are separated for excited!

Everyone: Hooray!

All of the people who are separated to find the perfect places in free holiday seasons. 

What will happen to Steve walk alone himself?

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