Greatest Match

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*The next 4 days. Steve & his friends arrived at the Ga Shuku stadium. Since his friends watching him with Supa Strikas start the game of Nakama.*

Everyone: Go Supa Strikas!

Mac: Steve was the good tackle.

Brenda: Not for long, Mac. I think he's practice by Supa Strikas.

Steve: *run & kick the ball to Cool Joe*

Cool Joe: *run* Thank you, Brother! *got the ball & pass it to Dancing Rasta*

Dancing Rasta: *got the ball, run & the ball has taken by Shigeko*

Shigeko: Sorry, Rasta! *got the ball, run*

Selena: She's amazing tackle! Am I right

Carolina: *look at Shigeko* O///////O Yes....

*Shigeko pass the ball to Miko. He decided to kick the ball on the soccer net by Big Bo. Big Bo can't get it. Supa Strikas has 1 point & Nakama has 2 points.*

Mac & Brenda: GOAL!

Brenda: Brilliant Tackle by Miko Chen & Shigeko!

Mac: Looks like Nakama are very happy

Aurora: We congrats them

April: Supa Strikas loses the game. They can match again

Skales: Same, Steve was strong

Carolina: or Shigeko was stronger than him OwO

Emily: Not any longer who are stronger, Carolina :>

Carolina: Oh owo''''

*Supa Strikas loses their points & Nakama has won at the match. After the end of match in Japan. Shigeko stays her home, she's good luck to her friends. Supa Strikas & the rest of their friends goes back to South Africa. They needs match against Nakama. Their friends of the Super League goes back to their teams, too. Coach has announcement to them*

Coach: Listen up, everyone! We against Nakama in the next 2 days

Klaus: Yeah, still far away 0-0

Shakes: Nope, Klaus. It would be fine

Aurora: Is there any problem we could help

Coach: It's correct, Aurora. We must win our match. Continue practices & I'm watching you *walk*

North Shaw: Wow, Such a fantastic

Kira: Don't be judge, North >:(

*Steve smiles at them. He realized about Twisting Tiger change his feelings of Miko. He should asked him.*

Steve: Tiger, You feel alright?

Twisting Tiger:  Yes ^^

Steve: You're not feel better?

Twisting Tiger: I know...

Steve: You, me & the rest of them work together. They support you. I promise

Twisting Tiger: *sigh* I promise *smile at Steve:

*Steve, his friends & Supa Strikas goes back home tonight. After 2 days. Nakama arrived at Strikaland. They are play the game again.*

Miko: *pass the ball to Yugiro*

Yugiro: *got it, run & pass it to Kylo*

Kylo: *got the ball & continue run*

Steve: *run & get it from Kylo*

Nakama players: *after Steve got the ball*

Steve: *pass it to Shakes*

Brenda: Woah! Steve got it to Shakes

Mac: Hoho! Brenda, What a good tackle

Shakes: *run* What should we do, Captain?

Dancing Rasta: *think & found his idea* I have an idea! Pass it to El Matador!

Shakes: *pass it to El Matador*

El Matador: Thanks, Mi amor! *got the ball & continue run*

Dancing Rasta: Klaus, Defend us from Nakama!

Klaus: On it! *defending them from Nakama*

Dancing Rasta: Now!

El Matador: *pass it to Rasta*

Dancing Rasta: *kick the ball on the net*

Kendo: *didn't get the ball on the net*

Brenda & Mac: GOAL!

Mac: Great kick of Dancing Rasta!

Brenda: Still Nakama got loses their scores

Ura Giri (POV): Those idiots... Huh!? *look at Steve*

North: We won the score!

Steve: I know *cheer*

Ura Giri (POV): What kind of player was new?

Shigeko: Ahem?

Ura Giri: EEEH! It's you

Shigeko: What are you watching, Coach?

Ura Giri: Nothing =_=....

Shigeko: Seems he's only cheer to Supa Strikas, they won here. Let's go back whatever we want or not, Come on guys *walk*

Nakama players: *walk*

Ura Giri: Hmph! *walk*

Miko: *he sees them goes back & he look at Steve cheering them, he smile & he went back*

Steve: *look at Miko goes back when he's disappeared. He thinks about him*

Cool Joe: Oh yah! Brothers! We hope we have a great practices.

Big Bo: Score high!

El Matador: Amigos, I think Steve is looking or something?

Supa Strikas: ?

Shakes: Steve?

Steve: Shakes, Hehehe.... Sorry I'm just *sigh* You know, Nakama players went back.

El Matador: I know, Amigo. They would ever coming back

Steve: I guess you are all understand me *smile*

*His friends are also cheer Supa Strikas win the game. What if Nakama players stays in South African in 4 weeks.*

See you on the next chapter ^w^

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