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I walked through the hallway, it was big, the lockers were painted sky blue and deep purple respectively and they looked beautiful.

I stopped in front of the English class and took a deep breath before opening the door.

The class that was filled with voices became as quiet as a graveyard immediately I stepped in.

I became tensed and nervous.

Composing myself, I walked up to the teacher .

"Good morning ma'am, are you Miss Tamara?" I asked.

"Yes I am", she answered.

"I'm Josephine, Josephine Murphy" I said with a smile.

"OK, class meet Josephine Murphy. She was supposed to be here an hour ago but I guess she is a princess and requires much attention", Miss Tamara said and the whole class laughed out loud. 

I knew she was being sarcastic but her sarcasm has brought back old memories, painful memories that I have had sleepless nights trying to forget.

My mind drifted to Vivien, she always called me a princess and treated me like one, my heart broke into pieces and tears threatened to fall from my eyes.

I lifted my head up to meet her gaze, I thought I'd see an apologetic look on her face but all I saw was a smile of satisfaction.

"Get a seat and stop distracting the entire class", miss Tamara said.

I felt so embarrassed as I walked to get a seat behind, everyone stared at me as a walked.

I could hear some students whispering, 'she looks homeless', 'she smells like a garbage truck', 'her hair looks so messy', I acted like I couldn't hear them but deep down in my heart I wanted to run to the bathroom and cry out.

I grabbed a seat and sat.

Few minutes after I took my seat, the bell rang.

Students began to gather their stuff to leave and I sat alone staring at everyone.

When they all left, I walked up to miss Tamara, "excuse me ma'am, where should I be?" I asked.

"It's time for lunch. Here, that is your timetable", she said.

I took the piece of paper and looked at it and from the timings, I knew I'd be missing the first two periods daily.

I sighed.

I thanked her and left the class.

I went to the hallway to identify my locker when some girls blocked my way.

"Hey.. Garbage truck" one of them said and the rest laughed. 

I ignored them and tried to walk away but one of them pulled my hair revealing my neck and making the device in my neck visible.

She dropped my hair quickly and screamed, "mole!! She has a big and it's so gross, ewwww!" She shouted and everyone started moving away from me, saying 'ew' as they pass, "mole girl" they all started chanting.

It felt like I was in the middle of a black hole, I couldn't feel my body, my head felt so light.

Why was I born if I was going to be left alone to suffer?

My first day in school and everyone found me irritating.

I adjusted my hair and went on to look for my locker, I found it and kept my books inside.

I walked into the cafeteria and everyone started shouting 'mole girl' again, I walked slowly trying to find a seat where I wouldn't irritate anyone.

"Hey, come sit with me", I heard a female voice say.

I looked at her to know if she was talking to me or if I was mistaken but she smiled at me instead.

I walked to her and sat with my head down.

"I'm Sophia", she said while crunching on her food.

"I'm Jos" I replied.

"Just? Why would anyone want to give their child such ridiculous name?", she asked and bursted into laughter.

I ignored her attitude.

"J.O.S", I spelled it out for her, " it's short for Josephine", I added.

"Oh, sorry for my bad behavior, I had no idea", she apologized.

I only nodded.

"I see you have no food, here, we could share mine", she said. I was starving

I couldn't say no because her food looked yummy.

Without a second thought, I dug in to feast. She smiled at my action.

"I like you", she said.

I stopped chewing and looked at her.

"I'd like you to be my friend" she added and I swallowed hard without noticing that I didn't chew the food I swallowed.

"Easy, we don't want you choking", she said.

"It would be nice to have a friend", i said to her.

She smiled at me and we kept eating.

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