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I slid out through my window. Looking at this bike, it was not something I wanted to run away with but it would make my flee faster.

I breathed out and hopped on it.
I paddled as fast I could without stopping or turning back. I finally escaped. 

Welcome to New Jersey; a sign read.

At that point I knew I was far enough, this was going to be my new city. I stopped my bike and left it next to the sign.

I didn't want to be followed or traced by anyone.

"Excuse me", I approached a stranger.

"Yes, can I help you?", he asked.

"I'm lost and I need to find my way to the general hospital please", I said to him.
After giving me a clear direction, I began to walk in the direction.

I saw it.

The big general hospital. Last time I was at a hospital was when my parents passed away.

I walked, looking both in fascination and lost. 

"Hi, can I get a doctor", I asked a nurse at the reception.
She looked at me as if contemplating what to say.

"You can not just walk in here and demand for a doctor like you put food on our tables", she said rudely.

"Nurse Belle, what is going on here? I could literally hear your voice from the hallway", a man in lab coat spoke as he approached us.

The nurse became quiet.
He ignored her and turned to me, "are you alright young girl?", he asked.

"Yes, I was just asking her if I could get a doctor", I responded.

He looked back at the nurse, "oh, is that so? Come with me", he said, leading the way. I made myself comfortable on a chair as we entered into his office.

"I am a doctor, how can I help you?", he asked.

I raised my hair, revealing the device that had been in my neck for years.

"Look, this has been here since I was ten. I made researches and discovered that it was deadly", I explained.

He stood up from his seat to have a closer look, "and how did it get here?", he asked.

I shook my head, "I don't know", I said.

"It is actually deadly. You want it removed I suppose", he stated and I nodded in affirmation. "

How old are you", he asked.

"Sixteen", I replied.

"You are too young to undergo this kind of surgery, plus the price for the surgery is on the high side and you also need a guardian", he said.

"I'm an orphan and I have enough money for the surgery".

He sighed.

"I'd only let you undergo surgery because this device is way deadlier than it seems", he announced.

"Thank you so much", I said in elation.
After running few tests, he met me in his office with a frown.

"I'm afraid there's a problem".

My heartbeat increased.

"What is it?", I asked.

"Life chances are fifty-fifty", he answered.

"Meaning I may survive it or may die right?", I asked and he nodded.

I weighed it.

If I don't undergo the surgery, I will be caught and taken back to hell, but if I undergo it, I will be free from my misery either way.

"I'll do it", I said.

He looked at me.

From his looks I knew all he saw in me was pain and what he felt for me was pity.

"I'll have a nurse to get you ready", he said and left me alone once again.
After getting dressed for my surgery, I sat on the operation bed without any emotions in me.

The only thing I was worried about was if I die, I wouldn't be able to make my parents proud or successfully achieved anything.

I sighed.

The surgery began after giving me me a paralyzer which added to the numbness I already felt.

Suddenly, my body became weak and my eyelids heavy.

All I could hear the nurse in front of me say was 'stay awake', which my body was disobeying.

Every sound became distant and my eyelids finally fell over my eyes.

I woke up in a dark place.

It wasn't a room or house or any confinement,  it was a large endless place, like a desert. I looked around trying to figure out how I got there or at least, where I was.

Nothing in anyway seemed familiar.

"Where am I?", I asked myself.

"A place between life and death", someone spoke from behind.

I turned abruptly.

"You are between life and death", the person said, standing next to me.

It was a pregnant woman.

I looked at her carefully before realizing that she was bleeding.

"Who are you?", I asked her, still looking at the blood that wasn't dripping.

"I'm Martha, I am in the labour ward but there's no hope of me making it out", she replied.

"And how do you know that?", I asked again.

"I've been here for seven minutes, it takes ten minutes to know where exactly you'd be, the land of the dead or land of the living. I have been bleeding since I arrived here, I've lost a lot of blood, I can't make it", she explained.

Thank you for reading.

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