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I was sure she saw me.

I really needed to see the school nurse, my whole body was still aching.

I was growing impatient by the minute, my wounds needed medical attention urgently. I couldn't wait anymore, I walked towards them, besides, Sophie was my best friend and miss Tamara was my counselor, it wouldn't be a crime if I interrupted them. Right?

Just before I got to them, they ended their conversation.

"Good morning miss Tamara", I greeted but she ignored me. I wasn't disturbed by that, in fact, I didn't even expect a reply. 


She looked at me, "what do you want from me Josephine?", she asked.

I laughed.

This was why I needed to see Sophie, I was already laughing, I was happy.

"I need you to take me to the school nurse", I said, pouting like a little kid.
"I had a minor accident, just in case you are wondering", I lied.

"Do I look like your mom?", she asked and walked away.

I was struck again, 'mom?'.

I stood there staring at the empty space she left.

What was happening? What did miss Tamara say to her that made her so upset. I ran after.

"Sophie what's the matter?", I asked as I caught up with her.

"You are my problem Josephine, just let me be and get lost", she said, walking away again.

Josephine? This was the second time she was calling my name in full.

I didn't give up, I didn't want to believe that Sophie could change overnight.

I went after her, but before I could get to her, some officers barged into the hallway, making me stop in my track.

"Gather around students, some officers are here for a search", Principal Kate announced making students to crowd around the scene.

"We received a call from a student of this school, saying that a fellow student was found with illegal substances", an officer spoke.

I scoffed.

Illegal substances? These officers have nothing better to do. I wanted them to just end this whole stunt they came to pull because I needed to go to the school nurse. My body is still in pain.

"I called", Sophie said, earning a look from the crowd.

'Maybe this is what has made her upset', I thought. It wasn't a perfect reason but it was suitable, I guess.

"Anything else you'd like to add to the previous information?", the officer asked and she nodded.

They are taking time in this, I need painkillers, if they knew how much pain I was in right now, they would have been long gone.

"Josephine Murphy", Sophie started.

I turned fully to her to listen.

She never told me about anyone who used illegal substances in school and now she wants me to testify? I can't do that, I know nothing about this. 

"Wait, locker 33, search locker 33 officers", she finished.

Locker 33, locker 33? My locker.

"But that is my locker", I said, no one paid attention, they were all eager to see the outcome. I wasn't scared, I know what was in my locker, few books, they should search all they want.

One officer broke my locker and removed a plastic bag with a white substance, he removed another with a lot of tablets in it.

My jaw fell and my mouth was left open.

"That isn't mine", I objected.

"I knew she would say that officers, so, I found few witnesses", Sophie said.

Six students came forward, four were my friends and the other two were just regular students I see around school.

They all testified against me, saying all sort of things about me. I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

Finally, Sophie.

"Everyone knows how close Josephine and I are but they didn't know what exactly was going on. She brings drugs to school everyday, she offered some to me but I rejected them. I told her I was going to report to the school authority if she doesn't stop and she threatened to kill me, so I kept quiet. She came by school yesterday knowing that no one would be here because it was Sunday and dropped a new set of drugs, I couldn't be quiet anymore and that was why I informed the police", Sophie said.

My heart.

My heart.

My heart was heavy, the pain I felt in my dreams were the same pain I was feeling now.

"She stole from the school also", I heard that voice always filled with hatred.

I turned, "miss Tamara", I whispered, I couldn't say a word.

The officer went back to my locker and brought out a stack of money. 
I tried to reach Sophie but an officer pushed me hard to the lockers and cuffed my hands behind me.

I looked at him with the side of my eyes.

I remembered him, no, I remembered them, they guys at the restaurant. Nothing made sense to me.

Just this morning I remembered how amazing life has been with Sophie, just few minutes ago, and now this. 

Didn't expect the twist huh? Me neither 😂😂
Thank you for reading.

ALONEOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora