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He brought me closer to him and I leaned my head on his shoulder.

 "I got accepted into a university in New Jersey", he said.

"Oh", I said, the sadness in my voice couldn't be missed.

"I'd be leaving tomorrow", he added.

I became quiet, cold. I just met him yesterday and I was already attached.

"Are you OK?", he asked with creased brows.

"Yes, I'm fine", I answered.

"You haven't said a word", he pointed.

I couldn't bring myself to tell him that I didn't want him to go or that I'd miss him.

"I'm just happy for you", I said with a sad smile.

"I'll come every summer, I promise", he said while standing up.

I stood up as well.

He looked at me with those spellbinding eyes, I couldn't look away. He kissed me, this time, not because of a game but because he wanted to.

I reciprocated.

Our lips parted and he placed a kiss on my head, holding me tight.

I leaned into his hold, inhaling his intoxicating scent. He smelled like vanilla and rose, it was weird but I liked it.

"Here", he said, giving a card to me.

"Call me anytime you want to", he said.

I took the card from him.

"Smarty", I read out his name from the card.

"Jo", he called my name, my name in his mouth sounded like music. I smiled and hugged him again.

"I need to go", he said.

I nodded in approval. 

"Bye Jo", Sophie said to me and I watched them zoom off.

I climbed back into my bedroom. My legs, I could feel them again, I was glad. 

The joy sank back when I realized I was having signs of paralysis.

I didn't want to be paralyzed, I had to think fast and act fast as well.

I took out my Robots and Technology book.

Studying it, making corrections where necessary. I just needed to find the power room and put all my writings into action.

I was done decoding everything, all I needed to was to find the room.

I put the book away and fell asleep.


It was Monday morning.

I woke up with a scream, panting, tears in my eyes, my entire body was covered in sweat.

The nightmare.

I touched my chest, my heart was going wild behind my rib cage.

It felt so real, the dream, I could feel it.

Down in my guts I knew something bad was about to happen, something I should have run away from a long time ago.

I looked at the time, it was time for my morning duties.

Still panting and disturbed, I heard voices, I became even more frightened.

I checked through the window to see if it was people who were walking on the street but it wasn't. I heard the voices again and it seemed like it came from the living room.

I walked slowly towards the door and opened it.

Looking for any danger and finding none, I proceeded down to the living room.

No one was there.

I peeped through the curtains to see if it was our neighbor, but no one was out there either.

I went to the kitchen and still, it was empty.

Just when I was about to climb the stair case, I heard the voices again, this time it was clear, they were arguing.

I've lived in this house for five years but I still don't know my way around.

Strange right? 

I walked into a corner. It was dark with a brief stair case, I followed the stairs to where it led.

I looked to my right when I got down, there were many screens with uncle Dew, Maria and Megan seated in front, they were distracted by their argument and didn't notice my movement on the screen.

I finally found the power room.

I observed each screen intensely. 

I wanted to observe more, so I moved forward to have a better view. I could barely see the way because of how dark everywhere was.

Without cautiousness, I kicked something and it made a loud noise, causing the trio to turn to my direction. I turned to run back.

"Stop!", Maria shouted and I abruptly stopped.

"Come over here", she commanded. I walked slowly, making my body visible.

"Why are you down here?", she asked. I could hear the storm behind her calm voice.

I couldn't respond.

Unconsciously, my eyes shifted to the screen behind her. She slapped me.

"I'm still waiting for an answer, why are you here?", she shouted.

"I'm sorry", was all I could say.

She chuckled and looked down.

"Sorry? That wasn't what your stupid parents said when they took away everything from us", she said with a serious face.

Not my parents, no, I didn't want to remember their death.

She slapped me again.

She pushed me and I fell to the ground. She pulled me up by my hair and hit my head on the stair rail, my nose bursted and blood dripped.

That wasn't enough, she threw me across and my body hit the wall with great force.

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