Up the Creek

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As you and everyone else are listing to Chris talk about what today's challenge would be all you could think about was how easy it seemed compared to some of the things you did for training back home but also that it might be fun doing it with your team rather than alone.

Yy: [Confessional]"When we were told to have a paddle partner, I honestly thought that I could only get either Lindsay or Sadie but to my surprise all the other girls seemed like they wanted to be my partner but when I did get Sadie, I swear I could still feel angry looks from other, and I'm pretty certain I saw Sadie do something that angered the other girls."

As you got in you could see that Sadie has lost a bit of weight since you last saw her but since it was something you learned to never talk about a girls weight you just helped her in and got ready to paddle along with the others.

After Chris fires the signal you all then take off to the island all while you have a pleasant chat with Sadie and help her a bit through the loss of Katie and how you could help her in any way to help make her feel better and when you said that she got a twinkle in her eye as she then got closer to you.

Sadie: "Well one thing that would help me feel a lot better would be if you could hold me for a bit after were done paddling of course."

After saying that you then grab her and hold her as you then start rowing as hard as you could while making sure it was as pleasant as it could be for Sadie while also trying to suppress certain feeling while holding on to her as you felt the others stare daggers at both of you.

Yy: "Just let me know when you want something else or to be let go, I got this until then."

As you and everyone else got to the island you heard the remark Izzy had about the first thing you all saw getting there was a giant skull as you then stood up telling Sadie that nice as it was that it was time for her to let go and help you carry the canoe.

After running a bit with your team to try and get to the area Chris told you all about Cody then pointed out the giant Monster beavers as you all then ran away since even you had no idea how to battle against something like that before they left you all alone after crossing into a bit of water.

And once you all felt safe Owen then talked about how he needed a change of underwear and at first you all thought of it as a joke before he said he meant it as he then farted and then awakens giant gesse before you all then start running for your lives.

After running for a bit Cody then takes out some bread and throws it away getting the giant gesse attention allowing all of you to run farther away from them in peace to flee to safety before you and the rest of your teammates come to a crossroads before you all then follow Geoff/Bridgette's choice of taking the right path.

After running for a bit Geoff then become injured as you and the rest of the team (- Courtney) then try to help him go along the path by carrying him across with your other teammates till you get to bonfire making area of the challenge.

Yy: "Geoff dude we got this just rest and get better (whispers) also good luck with Bridgette I know she's awesome and you two seem great together"

Before then walking off to find some twigs and other things that could help make the fire bigger and last longer before getting pulled away by both Sadie and Lindsey into a cave that would be hard to see if it was anyone else before they both then started to make out with you for a bit.

When they were done, they both whispered in your ear something that made you blush harder than anything as they both then walked out as you waited a few minutes before walking out of the cave and bringing back a log of wood for the bonfire.

Killer Bass Team: "What the heck are we supposed to use that for its big to use for the fire."

As you then walked away with the giant log as you were more confused than anything since you get firewood from wood logs, and you could use the rest that's not needed to make other things in your spare time as that's what you did when training with the family.

When you got back with the others you only had enough time to protect yourself as a giant fire explosion went off in front of you as you then waited for it to clear so you could join up with the rest of your teammates since that was probably the winning bonfire.

You then got to where the rest of you team was only to find that there were no more paddles courtesy of Harold as he had used them earlier for firewood.

Yy: "Great now what are we going to use to get to shore."

Izzy: "You guys could get someone to swim behind the boats and push them. I did that once for this huge like, sixty-foot yacht; the whole crew had to flutter kick for like, eight days to get to shore. And like, four of us got eaten by sharks. [laughs] I didn't. Not me. But it was really insane. Okay, later! [screams]"

As both Geoff and DJ then have an argument over who does the pushing before you all then get into the canoes as DJ pushes everyone all the way to the finish line as you all are chanting his name before you all then crash onto the main island and win the challenge.

As you and the rest of your team each take your turns showering you are then pulled aside by Sadie for a quick good night kiss before you then do the same to Lindsey before finally getting to bed ignoring all the comments your guy teammates say to you about getting it on with the girls.

And that is the end for now hope you all enjoyed and until next time stay safe and peace.

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