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"Lea, Lea, Lea! Wake up!" My little sister nags.

"Two more minutes," I say tiredly.

"Mom, Lea's not waking up," she says.

Oh shit.

I jumped up out of my seat hurriedly and hit my head on the top of the jet.

"Ouch," Arlo says wincing.

"Shut up," I say jokingly while rubbing the top of my head.

"Let's go kids!" my mom says, obviously annoyed with us.

As soon as I step out of the jet, I'm blessed with the great, humid sixty-degree weather of Utah.

It's pretty warm for it to be four o clock in the morning, but my outfit is appropriate.; It's a simple Nike, gray crew neck, and Nike shorts. My hair which was in a high messy ponytail is now a low ponytail wasp nest, but at this moment I couldn't care less.

I see a highly energetic Rylee running my way, and I instantly regret just standing there like a deer in headlights, acting as though she wasn't going to give me the hugest hug on the planet.

"HEY LEA!" She yells.

"Ry it's four o clock," I said while yawning.

"Okay? It's time to go back to our OG headquarters," she says excitedly.

I crack a smile.

"I need to sleep," I say

"No time for that love bug, we're going to have a family day." My dad says enthusiastically.

"Dad. The sun isn't even up yet, nothing is going to be open but McDonald's." Alex says from behind me.

"Ah that's right, well we can nap and then go on breakfast outing around 10-ish," he says.

Dad explains the rest of our plans for the day as we walk to our car.

"Mr. and Mrs. Taylor, how have you been? We've missed you." Our driver Brett says as he opens the door. "Excellent." They replied at the same time, getting in. I smile and follow my parents.


As we pull into our neighborhood, many memories from my childhood start to flood my brain.


"I like your hair Azalea," Ezra says. "Thank you," I say as a rose-colored blush appeared on my face.

"Rylee....don't move," I said cautiously.

"Why?" She says nervously "Okay don't freak, there's a cricket in your head."

"What do you mean 'don't move, LEA GET IT!" She yells.

" Okay hold still," I say.

I draw my hand back and smack her so hard that her whole head moves to the left.

"Got it," I say confidently.

Ezra and I look at each other and laugh.

There was no cricket.


I laugh to myself thinking about the memory.

When we get out of the car, I gaze up at my house because this house has been completely modified. My once-blue house is now tan with brown accents, it's gorgeous.

 My once-blue house is now tan with brown accents, it's gorgeous

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"Holy shit," Arlo says with wide eyes.

"Holy shit is right bro," Axel says.

As we walk up the stairs to the front door, I start to get excited about my room.


It's the same as I left it, minus the clothes and junk.

Plain lavender walls and bookshelves cover the walls. I'm not complaining at all,, Rylee and Owen have already made plans to do a property brothers-style makeover on my room. The only thing I'm concerned about right now is the perfectly made bed that's calling my name.


I'm woken up by a loud thud on my floor caused by one of the movers.

"Sorry," she says sincerely.

"You're okay," I said smiling softly.

If that was anyone else, I would've lost my shit but I'm never mean to the people that do me a service; especially one I could be doing myself.

I roll over to look at my phone to see that it's two p.m.

I thought we were going out for breakfast.

Maybe everyone slept in.

I get out of my bed and walk downstairs to find my mother kissing my father goodbye, and him rolling his suitcase out.

"Dad, wait!" I say as I run down the stairs a little faster.

"Ahh, and she wakes." He says jokingly.

I give him a 'you're leaving, how dare you try to joke with me right now.' look in return to his comment.

"I'm sorry bug, I was going to come to say goodbye, I'm just in a hurry," he says with an apologetic look.

"It's an emergency, I'll be back before the party on Friday, okay? I love you." He says as he kisses my forehead softly.

"Love you," I say.

" Go upstairs and change Lea. You, Lina, and I will go out for lunch." My mom says sweetly.

I nod. This is how it always is, he leaves, she bribes and makes us feel better about the fact that he's never here. I turn on my heels and began to walk back to my room.

I stop in my tracks.

What party on Friday?

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