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As I finished applying my lip gloss, I started to think about this alleged party my dad was talking about. It's not the party that I'm in discomfort with, it's the fact that I'm going to have to be social. And listen to rich people talk about how their son and I would be the most perfect couple.  At least Parker will be there, so he should save me from the awkward encounters.

Parker, my loving boyfriend, and Rylee's brother; I know that there's the whole 'don't date your best friend's brother, it'll end in tragedy, but she's the one who encouraged our relationship. Growing up, I had the fattest crush on Parker, and everyone could tell so eventually we just got together. We've been dating for about two years now and I couldn't ask for a better boyfriend. Kind of. He's good when he wants to be, but he's a bit...pushy; Especially when he's drunk. We've never had any major problems,

that I've told anyone about at least.

I try to avoid anything that might cause conflict because imagine how awkward that'll be; I'm best friends with his sister so I would be forced to see him all the time. Even though we've had some major speed bumps in our relationship, I still love him, and I don't think I'll ever stop loving him.

A light knock on my door interrupts my thoughts.

"Lea it's time to go," Lina says softly. "Okay, coming,"

"Can I have some lip gloss?" She says, grabbing the tube.

"You're going to get some even if I say no, so why bother asking?" I say smiling.

"I'm just being polite!" she says giggling.

"Girls!" My mom yells from the bottom of the stairs.


As we arrive at our destination, I smile at my sister's awe.  "Mommy it's beautiful," Lina and I say in unison. "Oh Lea, don't tell me you forgot what this place is," she says in fake disbelief. "Wait," I say, getting out of the car. The memories start to flood back.

Flashback (9 years ago)

"Look at this flower," I say, showing him the magnolia

He grabs the flower and puts it behind my ear.

"Pretty flower, for a pretty girl." He says.

I blush.

"Here you can have one too," I reach for another flower and put it behind his ear.

"Pretty flower, for a pretty boy."

Flashback ends.

"You and Ezra used to come here with me and his mom for play dates," she says. "Speaking of," she says while pulling out her phone.

"I should invite them so Lina and Ethan can meet." She says excitedly.

My eyes widen slightly.

"Um," I laugh awkwardly, "Maybe when we get back home, I was really looking forward to hanging out with you and Lina," I say.

Which isn't a lie.

"Okay sweetie, just remind me, you know how things can slip my mind," she says with a smile. "Of course," I say kindly.

I'm not reminding her.

It's not that I don't want to see Ezra, it's just that I don't know what to say to him.

So, I don't want to see Ezra.

We walk down a familiar path to a beautiful picnic set-up, and I instantly drool at the mouth-watering food on the table. Lina and I give each other a knowing look and run to the table. I hear my mom laugh from behind us.


"So what do you have planned for today, Lea?" My mom asks.

"Well, me, Ry, and Owen are supposed to remodel my room and hang out later," I say while eating a chocolate macaroon.

"Ooooo, fun. What are you thinking?"

"I have no idea, I wanted to do something like my old room, all black, or nature-looking."

"I haven't decided yet," I say.

"Hm... Well, I know you'll pull something together."

"Have you looked into the cheer team?" she asks excitedly.

"Ehm not really, I might hold off for my senior year."

"LEA YOU ARE SO BORING!" Lina says dramatically.

"Ouch Lina," I say clutching my chest.

"It's true." She says matter-of-factly. I pinch her softly and she giggles.


After we finish, we go to a few stores and then head back home.


I reach for my phone.


I sigh.

"Hi, Parker."

"Hey baby, I was just calling to ask you if you want to go see a movie with me later?"

A date, that's rare.

"Are you asking me on a date, Parker Hollen?" I say smiling.

"Maybe." he says, dragging out the 'y'.

"Uhm... Okay, what time, I'm supposed to hang with Ry and Owen and we have to be back for dinner with the Kleins."

I hear him huff, slightly annoyed, on the other side of the phone.

"Lea when I want to hang with you, you're busy, when I want to have sex with you, you say no. What's your problem? Can't you see that I love you? Do you still love me?" He says with an irritated tone.

"Yes! Of course, I love you, Parker, I just," I try to explain.

"You just what Lea? What?" He says sternly.


I'm interrupted once again, by a knock.

"Owen's here," Arlo says.

I quickly nod, and mouth 'Get Out' but he just stands at my door leaning on the wall with his arms and feet crossed.

I sigh heavily. "Look Parker, I love you, okay? I really want to hang out with you. I'll come over later or something? Okay?" I say worriedly.

"Yeah whatever," he says as he hangs up.

I toss my phone on my bed, close my eyes, and chew the thin layer of skin inside of my cheek so I don't cry.

"Is everything okay Lea?" Arlo says softly as he hugs me.

I take in a deep breath and exhale before responding.

"Yes A," I say while hugging him back.

"Okay, you tell me if that bitch boy is treating you bad, I'll kick his preppy ass." He says while smiling slightly.

"I know," I respond, pulling back.

He leaves my room.

"Can you tell Owen to come up?" I yell.


I start to think about what would happen to Parker if my family knew all of the things, he's done to me; Maybe he deserves it. But I love him too much to see him hurt.  I'm quickly taken out of my thoughts when a certain Platinum-haired boy enters my vision.

"Azalea motherfucking Taylor," he says while smiling.

I run to him and tackle him so we both fall to the floor, laughing.

"I missed you bitch." I say while hugging him.

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