Step by Step

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In a world where you only see black and white until you make eye contact with your soulmate once you both are 23, most of y/n's peers were obsessed with their future specifically of their future soulmate. But y/n was different from her classmates, while they were focused on relationships she was focused on my grades and her future career.

Since middle school y/n has always been the top of her class, there would be a few that were close but never enough to tie with her. Her goal was to graduate top of her class and to be accepted into her dream college to get her business degree and then from there, attend Le Cordon Bleu to become a pastry chef and open her own bakery.

So far she has accomplished half of her dream. She graduated as her high school valedictorian, was accepted into her dream college and graduating with the highest gpa in her major. All that was left was to attend Le Cordon Bleu and open her bakery, what could go wrong.


I have been waiting weeks for an email from Le Cordon Bleu to confirm whether I had been accepted or declined. The past 4 years have been a struggle for my family and I financially and I was lucky to have enough scholarships and grants to help pay for college. I have done work studies and working over breaks and my parents have help as much as they could to help me save up money to attend Le Cordon Bleu in London. The only hiccup was my housing situation for if I was to be accepted, but I was able to push through it all thanks to my friend, Ryan, offering up his spare room in his house for me to stay in.

It is the day of graduation and I sit by Ryan and our other friends. Close to the end of the ceremony I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket from a notification and I quickly turn my head to look at Ryan.

"What?" Ryan whispers.

"I just got a notification. What if it's an email?"

"As soon as the ceremony is over I'll grab your things so you can check."

"Thank you," I whisper back.

The ceremony ended with all of us tossing our caps in the air and once Ryan and I catch ours as they are coming down he grab my things and I reach into pocket for my phone.

The notification shows that I have an unread email. I open my mail box immediately and see that the email is from Le Cordon Bleu.

I squeal with excitement but pause before I open it.

"What? Is it from Cordon Bleu? What does it say?" Ryan asks.

"It's from them but I'm too nervous to look at it, can you look for me?" I ask as I turn my phone to him so he can open the email.

"Dear y/n l/n we are grateful for your interest in attending Le Cordon Bleu in London. But we regret to inform you...."

"WHAT!?" I yell.

"Let me continue. We regret to inform you that you will be spending the next 12 months living with Ryan Andrew as you attend this year's programs starting in September!"

Hearing what Ryan said I turn my phone back to me to read the email and I start to jump with excitement and hug Ryan.

As I am hugging Ryan our friends approach us.

"What happened, did you get the email?" Lauren asks.

"I was accepted. You are now looking at a college graduate and a Le Cordon Bleu student!"

"Congratulations! You're an amazing baker even without professional training I know you will be top of the class there," Michaela says.

"Thank you! Ryan you better keep up with your workout routine cause I will be needing a guinea pig to taste the things I make."

See You in Color: Recipe of FateWhere stories live. Discover now