New Palette

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As soon as graduation was over I loaded my things from my dorm into my dads truck and my car to take back home. I spend the next couple days relaxing at home, sending personal items to Ryan's home, and getting ready for my flight tomorrow.

With the airport being three hours away from my home my dad drove me there and we met Ryan at the entrance.

"You ready?" Ryan asks as he unloads my bags.

"Ready as I'll ever be. I've never been on a plane, what is it like?"

"It's not that bad, taking off can be a little nerve racking but I will be right beside you in case anything happens."

"Thank you Ryan for everything you're doing," my dad says.

"Of course. I know how much y/n wanted to attend Cordon Bleu, I would do anything to help her dream come true."

I say my final goodbyes to my dad as we head into the airport to check my bag and board the plane.

Ryan and I are in our seats and the plane takes off soon after. When we start to ascend there is some turbulence that makes me close my eyes and grab Ryan's hand.

"It's okay y/n we are in the air you can open your eyes."

"Oh okay."

"I thought you're not afraid of heights?"

"I'm not, what made you think I was?"

"Your death grip."

As he says this I look down to see that I am still holding his hand.

"Oh sorry," I say as I let go of his hand.

"It's okay. If you're not afraid of heights is it something else."

"It's the fear of the plane crashing and going poosh," I say as I move my hands in an explosion motion.

"The chances of a plane crash are one in a million, so you're safe. But if you need a hand to hold to feel safe mine is always open."

"Thank you, I'll be sure to hold you to that offer."

For the next few hours Ryan and I talk to one another and sleep for the rest of the flight.

I am standing outside a house; putting in my earphones and stretching before I take a short run around the block. As I am stretching I start to sing along to BTS's  Dynamite, seldomly doing a few of the dance moves. I am caught up in what I am doing that I don't hear people walking up to me until I feel a tap on my shoulder.

"AHHH!" I scream as my arm swings hitting the person behind me.

I take out my earphones and turn around to see who I have hit. As I turn around I see six guys behind me with their faces blurred, five of them standing at a distance and the sixth hunched over holding his stomach.

"Oh my god, I am so sorry."

"No its alright I shouldn't have snuck up on you," the man says as he stands up straight and catches his breath.

"I should still apologize. Did you need something?"

"Yeah we were wondering if you could point us in the right direction. We are trying to find apartment 101, we have walked this whole block and can't find it."

"Oh it's right here, the numbers are blocked by the vines so it hard to see from a distance" I say as I point to the apartment next to ours.

"Thank you."

Next thing I know as I am about to say your welcome I am transported to a different scene outside the apartment.

Ryan and I are planting flowers and our neighbor is watering his. Just like the other his face is blurred. As we are planting the last flower we get sprayed with water.

"Dude what the hell," I yell at the neighbor.

"Sorry there was a wasp so I was spraying it."

"A wasp really?"

"Yeah it was really annoying me so I sprayed at it but it was too fast so I missed it."

I am about to retaliate when I am transported to a totally different location.

I am at a bakery with a guy that is not Ryan as his face is also blurred.

"If you don't mind me asking what is your relationship with Ryan?" The mystery man asks.

I start to reply but subconsciously I make sure to note that he sounds similar to our neighbor.

I soon go back to paying attention to what was happening when the guy grabs my hand and turns me to him.

He is about to say something when I feel someone touch my shoulder and his voice becomes muffled when I feel my shoulder slightly being moved.

I am startled awake when someone slightly moves my shoulder and tells me we are about to land. I look over at Ryan to wake him up but see a small wet spot on his shirt sleeve and I touch my face to feel water in the corner of my mouth.

Shit why did I have to drool.

I shake Ryan awake to let him know to are about to land and right when he gets up he rests his hand between our chairs


"Nothing just having it available in case it is needed."

"Ha ha very funny but I'll be fine with the landing as long as there is no turbulence."


Not even a second later the plane starts it's descent and once a little turbulence occurs I instantly grab his had.

At my reaction he lets out a little chuckle.

"What? I said I would be fine if there wasn't turbulence but there was."

"I didn't say anything."

"Yeah but you laughed and I know once we landed you would say something."

"I promise I won't say anything once we land."

"Thank you."

"But seeing as we haven't landed yet..."

"Don't you dare."

"Fine, I was just going to say that this side of you is nice to see."

"What side, my weak side?"

"No, the side where you are willing lean on someone for help and show your emotions. For as long as I have known you, you rarely let your emotions show so it's hard for me and the others to know when you needed us, we always had to wait for you to ask."

"Oh, I didn't know that."

We soon land and leave the plane. Ryan's parents have met us at the airport so we wouldn't have to pay for a ride to get to the apartment.

We pull up to the apartment and unload our bags. I am heading inside when I see that we live in 103 look over at the apartment next to ours and see vines covering the numbers 101.

"Is everything alright?" Ryan asks.

"Yeah, it's just that I saw that apartment in a dream I had on the plane."

"Oh really what was the dream about?"

"It was just about a group of guys asking where it was and then about the person living there being an asshole."

"Oh that sucks. The person living there now is a woman and I don't see a for rent sign up so maybe it won't happen for awhile."

"Yeah maybe," I say as I move forward into the apartment.

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