secrets part 2

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[as i promised one year ago here is part two] btw after today's episode 6x14 we can clearly see how much Alice has suffered from Hal's abuse!

Hours later Alice got home again. She refused to talk to FP and went upstairs.

FP wasn't an overthinker at all but he just couldn't get the fight between him and Alice of his mind.
Hal hurting Alice in the past? He was a psychopath of course he could've hurt her! But why didn't she open up to him? She knew she could tell him everything...

After a while FP decided to go upstairs and talk to her.
The bedroom door was half open and he entered but still with a little knock on the door.

Alice looked up. She saw FP standing on the doorway with a cup of water

"Alice...can we talk" he asked in a soft tone.
Alice nodded slowly and looked down.
FP sat next to her on the bed and gave her the cup of water.

"I know I messed up and I know I should make things right again but we really need to talk about you now, Alice" he said quite.

"FP we don't have to talk about it. This is my past..."
"I know and I know this is hard but why exactly did you think I was gonna hurt you. Did I make a wrong move or something else?"
"It's just..." Alice paused.

She looked down and at this moment FP realised she couldn't hold her tears any longer.
He wrapped his arm around her and tried to comfort her as well.
"'s okay! You don't have to if you don't want" he said in a soft and comforting tone.

"The fight we had was exactly were Hal killed a man"
"What do you mean?"
She couldn't bring it to say another word.
"Take your time" he said after putting her curl behind her ear.

"A few years ago Hal told me he needed help with something...after I went to the living room to check up i saw him and a dead body on our floor.

As soon as I saw it I started panicking I wanted to call the police...then he..."
Alice took a break.
FP looked at her and comforted her as much as he could.

"He run to me and hit me a few times...he threatened blame the murder on me if I didn't help him covering up the body and I was terrified..." FP gave Alice a shooked look

"I was terrified he might kill me or my daughters who just have been in the house I did help him covering up the murder" Alice voice was shaking maybe because she was scared about what FP was going to say.

"Oh my god, Alice!"
Alice lost it and broke down
She leaned her head on his shoulder and he hold her close.

"It's's okay."
After a while he took her face in his hands and wiped some of her tears away.
" had no other choice were terrified by him I think everyone would've done it like you"
she looked in his eyes and he in hers. Then they fell into a big embrace.

"I won't someone ever let you hurt again you understand?"
He told her after they got out of the embrace.
Alice nodded but still with tears in her eyes.

How could she be this lucky? she asked herself. Then she smiled, looked deep in his eyes then at his lips and decided to give him a soft Kiss on his lips.

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