"This feels right, doesn't it?"

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This story is supposed to happen between 2x21-3x03

"Betty are you and your mom okay?"
"Yes,mr jones where is Jughead?"
was the last time he heard about Alice.

He thought allot about her the coming days. Of course he had other things to worry about too : his son just got into the hospital but after a few days he seemed to feel better.

Should he just leave her alone for now or comfort her? ,But the last time they interacted with eachother things got even more complicated between them!

After Hal got arrested they barely talked to each other. Noone has seen her in town the coming weeks. He knew that Alice was very sensitive especially when someone tried to ruin her reputation. In that case Hal did.
"She probably knew he was a serial killer"
"I've heard he tried to kill her"
"Who would marry a serial killer?"
"Their poor children, they have now a crazy mother who's been married to a serial killer!"
were a few things FP heard people talking about her.

He decided to visit her and check up if she was doing a little better.
Alice opened the door. She looked different. She was wearing baggy jeans and a top that seemed like it was from the 80s. Her hair were different too. She had bangs now.

"FP?" she looked suprised.
"Can I come in?" he asked and Alice took a step back so he was able enter the house.
Both took a seat on her couch.

"Why did you come here , FP?"
"I-uhh wanted to check on you"
she looked at him and then she looked down.
"I'm doing...fine" she said and looked at him with a smile that seemed to be fake
"Are you sure, Alice? You know you can talk to me right?"
Alice stayed silent for a few seconds she was thinking if she should open up to him and talk about how she's been really feeling lately.

"Yeah...I know, FP..." she made a break.
"You know...at some point I knew Hal had something evil inside him, but I never thought he would kill people..."
"How do you mean that, Alice?"
"We weren't that perfect family everyone thought we are. He was many times abusive towards me. And -"
"Did he- hurt you" FP interrupted her and looked worried.
"No! Not that way! Let's say he was abusing me more mentally..."
"What do you mean with "more"? Did he ever hurt you physically?" FP asked and looked even more worried than before.

Alice didn't know what she had to answer now. How was she supposed to tell him about the fact that he tried to kill her, the night she found out he was a serial killer?

"No, he did not"
"But still- Alice, he abused you in some way I can't imagine how bad you must have felt...
I noticed how toxic your relationship was since the day you invited me over at your house to know if I killed Jason." he had to smile a little and she too.

"Yeah I know FP, I'm sorry!" she let out a little smile again that turned fast to a sad smile. She looked down again.
"I hate him so much, FP"
"I never liked Hal!" he answered

"He ruined mine and my daughters life!"
"I am so sorry , Alice!"
"It's fine, I joined a club that could might help me"
"A club??" FP looked confused
"Yeah. The Farm kind of helped me to feel better the last few weeks. Polly suggested that I should be a part if the club too!"
"Do you trust them?"
"Of course I do, they seem all so nice" she let out a little smile again.

"I hope they'll help you through this time..." he looked at her.
"And if you ever need to talk...you know that you can talk to me right?"
"Yes of course FP" she looked at him in a way normal friends don't look each other.
Were they even friends? Or already lovers?

The next weeks both of them got even more close than before.
Since Archie Andrews got arrested and accused for beeing a murder and the game griffin's and gargoyle came out of nowhere back they had to see eachother many times again and each time they saw each other they seemed to get closer.
Alice felt something for FP for a long time now
Maybe even while she was married to Hal.

But she didn't know if he felt about her that way too. The looks he gave her when they were alone or the way he talked to her made her think he might be in love in her too! But as soon as other people were around them he acted weird.

"So Alice, any news about how you've been doing lately?" Edgar asked.
"I think it's getting better"
"What does that make you think?"
"I was seeing someone lately...and I feel like I can talk with him about allot of things...and I don't know why but I feel happier around him!"
"Maybe you should open up to him, Alice!"
"I don't think it's a good idea , Edgar"
"You really should have someone to talk besides me or the Farm! Just open up to him maybe he feels like this about you too!
You'll never know if you don't try."

Alice thought allot about that and decided to follow Edgar's advice.

She knocked at FPs door.
As soon as he opened she just came in without even saying something.
"Alice, what is going on?"
Both were standing infront of eachother.
"FP I-" he looked confused at her but also with big, soft eyes.
"You what-?"
"I had a session with Edgar, you know the guy I told you from the farm...and I-" her voice started shaking because she didn't know how to best start this conversation.

"Alice calm down" he put his hands on her shoulders to calm her down.
She took a deep breath.
"He told me I need to open up to you about something..."
"And that would be what?"
He looked at her again in a way a normal "friend" won't.

"I think that a part of me never got over you since high school..."
FP gave her a soft smile.
"I still have feelings for you,FP..." she said in a quiet tone. She looked down and then in his eyes again.
"And I don't know how you feel about me but--"
He couldn't resist and interrupted her by kissing her passionately.

Both of them made their way to his bedroom without breaking the kiss.
He was on the top of her now.
Alice broke the kiss.
"Do you feel about me like this too?"
"Of course I do, Alice" he said and looked first in her eyes, then at her lips.
Both kissed eachother again.

The next day Alice woke up next to him. She didn't remember much from that night.
Just that both fell asleep after doing the nasty.

Their foreheads were touching eachother and he wrapped his arme around her.
"This feels right doesn't it?, I'm glad the Farm opened you up to the possibility of us" he said and both smiled.

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