Chapter 1: Demons?!

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"Alright! Shall we begin?"

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"Alright! Shall we begin?"

"Yes," Minho stood up with papers. "During the past few days there have been reports of many deaths in Daejeon. The bodies have been found either ripped to pieces or simply dropped dead to the floor. We can confirm that this is the work of supernatural beings called demons."

The whole room was shook. Even Felix felt goosebumps.

Seungmin then stood up.
"Our proof that there are demons in South Korea?"
He displayed a picture on the projector showing something in the dark with red glowing eyes.

"As far as I have done my research, there are no animals that have the ability to have their eyes glow red in the dark so brightly. There are videos too."
He then displayed a video where it was dark at night, the woman who was filming was running and screaming. It was hard to see what was going on but the glowing red eyes reappeared.

"It's sad to say that we are dealing with non human beings and that we would need extra support from the government."

Chan spoke up. "Before that we need to come in contact with an actual demon and obtain real images of one"

"There has been a sighting at Okcheon." Minho stood up again.

"Then we should head there and-"


Chan got cut off by the sound of the telephone. He picked it up.

"Investigation task force. How may I help you?....Mhm...What?....Another body discovered?....We're on our way."

Chan took a deep sigh and looked at everyone. "There has been a dead body found in Sintanjin, I will deploy  Seungmin's team. Felix, you're on my team. Let's head out now."


Later they arrived in Sintanjin 

There were police cars and caution tapes everywhere.

"Hello officers, the investigation task force is here." Chan said moving through the tapes.

The officer pointed at an area where the dead body was.

Felix followed closely behind Chan.


There it was. A woman. Her limbs ripped from her body. One limb was near her body, the next was nowhere to be seen. It was a truly horrifying sight.

Chan looked away in dismay, Felix was still staring at it, horrified

What kind of monster would do such a thing?

"Seungmin's team, start laying out the info." Chan declared calling them over.

"Alright..let's see. The body was discovered at 12:27 pm by a citizen. The police was notified and came over at 12:34 pm." 

"Where is the citizen?"

"I'm right here.." Everyone turned around to see a young lady, about the same age as the deceased woman."

"My name is Kim Chanyeon, that person there was a close friend of mine..."

"I'm sorry for your loss can you tell me what happened."

"Me and Seija here were just walking along, then she had a phone call and had to go over by a corner to talk into the phone, it had been 20 minutes so i decided to go check on her but then I saw her lying on the ground unconscious. I went to go help her up but she was not getting up. I called the police and quickly went to a nearby store for help but when i came back her limbs were s-severed from her..body. It was truly the most horrifying and terrible thing I have ever seen! I can't believe something would do this to her.." Chanyeon started to break down

Chan comforted her while Felix observed the body some more. He noticed that there were scratch marks on the woman's face.

"Odd...certainly these cannot be the marks of a wild animal? It's very odd for a wild animal to be in the city.."

"It could have been a murderer who ran off but Seungmin's team proved that it was not the murderer who did this." Chan said looking at the body again.

"Then this must be the work of a demon.."


(639 words)

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