Chapter 2: First Mission

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The whole area went quiet. 

After a few moments of silence, the investigation resumed.

-an hour later-

The investigation finally ended with many results.

The task force went back to the police department to report the results.


"Welcome back Chan hyung." Lee Know greeted them. "I'm assuming the investigation went swell yes?"

"Yes it did, we got many good results."

Chan went to the projector and turned it on. The first picture displayed the corpse of the woman.

The members who hadn't seen it were terrified.

"We concluded this was the work of otherworldly beings thanks to Felix here."

There were more pictures displayed, some relating to the scratch marks on the woman's face and more clues.

"According to Chanyeon, her friend, she was found collapsed behind a store at  12:27 p.m" Seungmin reported.

"My interpretation of what happened.." Felix spoke up. "Seija was walking with Chanyeon when suddenly she got a phone call. Seija went over to a corner behind a store and picked up the call  when then, the criminal knocked her out making her go unconscious. Chanyeon was coming to check on her so the criminal hid. Proof that the criminal was hidden?"

Felix picked up some kind of weird charm made out of metal that is bounded onto a chain.

"We found this a bit farther away from the body and did some research. According to the media, this figure is an ancient demon belonging. It is said that demons carry this on them as a 'good luck charm'."

"After Chaeyeon called the police and asked for help nearby, she came back to see Seija at this state. The demon most likely played around with her unconscious body and killed her afterwards with a blow in the head then ripping off her limbs. And that concludes my interpretation of the results of this investigation." Felix said.

"And since we were planning to go to Okcheon to find a demon we could get some more clues..maybe even catch it!" 

"Then let's plan this mission tomorrow at 6pm. If we do this at nighttime we might get better results if we go at night." Chan announced.


It was 5:59 pm the next day.

The task force just arrived in Okcheon. The sun was just setting.

"Shall we start with these abandoned stores?" Lin said pointing to the stores.

"Yes, let's have Lee Know's team look through there." Chan said taking out his flashlight.

Everyone did the same.

"We should have a look around this bridge." Felix suggested.

"I'll have my team inspect the houses." Seungmin said walking off with his team.

The town was almost a ghost town after the deaths happening around the area and that demon sighting. There were still a few people living in the houses. Seungmin was planning interrogate them.


(Lee Know's POV:)

I truly hope we can find some clues here. 

I wondered to myself. Me and my team of 5 (including me) walked into convenience store.

Everything was messy. All the products have fallen off the shelves. Posters on the walls and the walls itself were marked with giant scratch marks. It was a wreck.

"This demon really went on a rampage eh?" May said flashing pictures of scene.

"Where shall we start Lino hyung?" Lin asked. All members of my team refer to me as Lino. I thought it was a pretty cute nickname but of course I would not admit that aloud.

"Let's check the cashier area." 

Me, Lin and May went over behind the cashier. There was money shredded all over the floor. I picked some up closely putting my flashlight to it. All I saw was dust particles.

Nothing that interesting...

"Lino should take a look at this.." May said flashing her flashlight to a wall.

It was a message written in..blood? Or maybe it was some kind of red paint. It was hard to tell.

The message read: "Do you want to be oddinary?"

Oddinary?...What does that mean?


(Seungmin's POV:)

I knocked on the door.

It slowly opened.

"Hello." I told the person hiding behind the door. It was a very short woman, I had to look down to face her.

"W-who are you.." she stuttered a bit. She looked terrified.

"I am Kim Seungmin. A member of Daejeon's investigation task force. My team of 5 is with me as well. We were all hoping to interrogate you about the recent events that have happened here."

"I'm sorry I-I can't let you do that." the woman was closing her door.

"No no wait! We really need your help for investigation! Please do not leave-"

"Please go away! It will come for me! It will kill me too!" the woman quickly shut the door and locked it.

A moment of silence passed.

"What does she mean by "it" will come for her?" Hana spoke up.

"Most likely she meant the demon. She has either gone crazy or the demon is keeping her captive." Mark answered.

"That might be true. Let's try some more houses, we must get information." I told my team, a trickle of sweat dripping down my forehead.


(827 words)

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