the scarlet's bird

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"Trying to get to Malenia, are you? I won't allow you to be an inch close to her. You're nothing. Your head won't befit a crown. You'll stay tarnished as all tarnished do. Malenia and Miquella surpass you all and if you so desire to reach them..well,

you have to get through me first."

Remus of the golden order was hailed by the two fingers, ordered by Queen Marika

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Remus of the golden order was hailed by the two fingers, ordered by Queen Marika. Known as a royal shadow and most popularly named as the Scarlet's bird. The name comes from him being the shadow/guardian to the royal twins, Miquella and Malenia but sometimes, the name was used as a mere tease for how close and protective he is to the twin daughter of Marika and Radagon.

Remus is not like other shadows. Some were born with strange mutations but Remus was created to look as prestige and similar to a noble human. Adorned with silver hair, Remus was also blessed with dark, auburn eyes that turned of gold when in combat. He has a true form, resembling an enormous golden raven with a long tail split in three. His feathers looking similar to dragon scales. Aside from his appearance, his existence was created solely for Malenia. While he was created to take care of both twins, Marika requested the two fingers to create a shadow that could interact beneficially with Malenia, as she knew of the loneliness and sorrow Malenia felt growing up. He is sworn to be by her side till the rest of time.

When Malenia was cursed with scarlet rot, everyone had to distance themselves or were fearful when she approached. No one wanted to get near her, even her own father and so Marika brought Remus, who was born to be resistant to scarlet rot and all sorts of poison. Because of this, Remus and Malenia practically grew up together and Malenia began to feel no longer abnormal. The trio were always seen close together, playing and spending their childhood together while also training to become successful for when they grow up.

Remus is described playful to the twins, he loves to taunt and annoy Malenia whenever he could but deep down, he was caring and always willing to listen to their concerns. He loves to sing and spend time outdoors. Whenever the two were harmed and danger, Remus can be serious and overprotective. At some points, he's easily provoked when others insult them and loves to taunt his own enemies.

Miquella was the smarts, sticking to his books and war strategy while Malenia and Remus fought in battle.

Battle Profile:

Strengths: Remus is resistance to scarlet rot and other poison attacks. He's an airborne fighter but can fight up close. However, he relies a lot on his golden wings to easily dodge and eliminate enemies at a far range. Gifted with holy damage, Remus can expand his falchion with golden light.

- With holy light, he can summon duplicates of himself to trick the enemy and or fight by his side. However, once they are hit a few times, the illusion lifts and the clones drift away.

Golden shower: Strikes of light crash down towards the enemy

Healing: Remus can heal wounds and alleviate poison and scarlet rot.

Weaknesses: Glintstone magic, gravity magic. Ranged and physical attacks. Remus does not know how to control his true transformation. He doesn't know how to imitate nor how to end it. Marika presumes its his lack of control with some of his emotions. He was put to training under Maliketh, the Black Blade because he too had experienced a similar obstacle.

The story will take place before and during the events of the game. Lmk what you think!

the scarlet's bird. malenia | Elden RingWhere stories live. Discover now