moving on without him

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Malenia had never been one to worship the gods. She had never prayed once in her life until now, as her and Remus knelt below the prayer room of the Halgitree with hands clasped together.

Her shadow stole a glance at the twin sister and he frowned miserably upon seeing her plead and beg in a low whisper as tears cast down her cheeks.

"When you lose your twin, it's like a piece of your heart rips apart.." A shaking breath escapes her lips as she now cradles her head against Remus' lap. They laid underneath the curtains of her bedroom after returning home from the tree. She would tell him how painful the years go by without him being present. And though Remus tells her it's not her fault, she can't help it. She'd push him away, intentionally and unintentionally. Fearful he might be sick of scarlet rot, she kept him at arms' length. When was the last time she'd hug or kiss her brother? It's been so long, she doesn't recall. Unintentionally, with her having her playtime with Remus and they have so much fun together, she forgets to invite her little brother into it.

Her fifteenth name day passed and she wondered if they were ever going to make memories again. Remus and Malenia would return to the the prayer room and then to the fort of the Halgitree where Miquella rested. Malenia sounded hysterical, laughing and telling the stories of what she has been up to the past days, months and years to the egg he resided in. Acting as if he can hear her.

'If it brings her any comfort..' Remus thought, not wanting to spoil the fact that he indeed could not hear her stories. And as he studied the roots of the tree that holds the egg, he is reminded of a particular memory of the golden boy.

It was thirteenth name day and before Miquella and Remus would go to the grand hall to celebrate his birth among the other royals and nobles, Remus sat by his bed with a smile.

"You've always talked of making a paradise of your own. If you could put it anywhere, anywhere on the map..where would it be?"

Miquella beamed, "That's a good question. I've never thought of that!"

Remus chuckled, "I suppose I have a few ideas. Liurnia?"

"Too blue!" Miquella stuck out his tongue in a grotesque manner.

Remus laughed, "Too blue? Whatever do you mean by that?"

"Blue as in gloomy. Way too gloomy! Honestly, when mother makes trips to the Carian Manor, I get so sad! Something with the weather there that does it."

"I suppose you're right. How about..Caelid? You can get a castle next to Radagon's even!"

"Too red! Way too dark and creepy for my liking.."

"Weeping Peninsula?"

"Who's going to find some hope at a place called the Weeping Peninsula?!"

The two gave a laugh at that and after they stopped, Miquella sewn his eyebrows together in concentration. A hand upon his chin,

"I really got to think about it. But if I were to make a haven, it would be isolated, yes? Somewhere far away. A place many might not know about but that's what makes it Haven..a place away from the danger. From all bad and evil. Just a place they can call home. Anyone's welcomed, so long as they come with peace."

And so Remus went on a mission. To make the grandest, enormous haven for Miquella. He'd heard word that deep beyond the snowfield, there lied a humongous tree. A tree inhabited by all sorts of creatures. The creatures were described as dangerous, ugly and nasty. But when Remus made the trip there, he realized how wrong the rumors all are.

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