7. the camping trip

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Blue hurriedly gets up when he snaps himself out if his daze.

Blue says to Star with fear in his tone.; "we should get out of here or you know who will catch us."

Star smiles and laughs slightly at Blues worried face because of him being so cute.

"Oh you mean Conrad! He's a good buddy of mine so don't worry nothing will harm us tonight with him on guard besides I bought us a tent for tonight so we don't have to go back just yet." Star says to calm Blue down from his possible panic.

"If you are sure.." Blue says to Star.

"I wouldn't do anything to harm you Blue and thats a promise." Star replies as he looks at Blue and smiles.

Blue nods his head in acknowledgment and smiles at Star. "Shall we get the tent all set up then?" Blue says with a bit of shake to his voice, shaking himself to calm his already panicked nerves.

Star replies; "Definitely!" He then hands Blue the tent poles to get them all set up.

while Blue does so Star shakes out the tent to get it all set up.

The winds start to pick up slightly and a light rain starts to fall dampening all the roses around them making them glisten with beautiful iridescent purple sparkles.

"Oh! It's starting to rain slightly." Blue excitedly exclaimed adding how much he enjoys it.

Star chuckles to himself seeing that Blue started to spin around like a child that got a new toy.

"Well how adorable you are." Star says to Blue with a massive smile spread across his face.

Blue blushes shyly and helps Star finish putting up the tent before hopping inside as a bolt of purple tinted lightning flashes across the sky.

"Woah!" They both said in unison breaking out in a fit of laughter when they realized they said it at the same time.

Star busies himself with laying out a mountain of blankets and pillows somehow taking it all from his little hip bag, the bag seemingly magic.

Blue lays down and snuggles into the mound of fluff and comfort letting out a sigh of happiness before they both heard a snap of twigs nearby.

Star opens the tent door flap and yells out Conrad's name before smiling widely.

"It's been a while Star! Who did you bring with?" Conrad inquired.

"This is Blue Moon my hopefully soon to be boyfriend cough cough." Star says with a slight laugh.

"Nice to meet you Blue Moon, I'll be keeping an eye on things around here tonight so you'll both be safe so just have fun." Conrad replied as he fluffed up Star's hair in a big brother and little brother way.

"Thank you Conrad, happy to meet you too by the way." Blue said with a tone of relief most likely at the fact that he isn't scary like story's make him out to be.

Conrad wanders of after bidding farewell.

Both Blue and Star settle in for the night wrapped in each other's arms.

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