10: the big surprise

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*Star's pov*

It was the day that Star has been waiting for. His nerves are getting to him slightly as he wakes up before Blue and sneaks out to the kitchen, closing the bedroom door quietly behind him.

He decided to make a pot of coffee for when Blue wakes up as a nice hood morning surprise as well as a note that Star sticks to the coffee pots front.

Star makes his way out the front door looking one more time in the direction of Blue's room and whispers.; "Soon..."

*Blue's pov*

Blue wakes up to the smell of coffee, sitting up as he stretches and yawns looking over at where Star was and he finds him missing.

Blue then gets up and walks to the kitchen and straight to the coffee pot.

He then sees a heart shaped sticky note after rubbing his eyes to get the sleep out of them.

Blue picks it up and it reads.; "I'll meet you at the black rose fields at four, I have to get a few things in order first.


Blue shakes his head with a chuckle. "Might aswell drink some coffee and get my errands sorted with.

Blue straightens up the house and starts his errands time ticking by rather slowly.

Too slow for Blue's liking.

Many errands later and Blue is finally happy to find that it's time to head out.

He heads to the front door, opens it heading to the black rose fields that surprisingly bring him joy even if it is in a place known for its horrors.

With a small shudder Blue heads out and to the black roses as stated by Star.


Star has everything sorted, everything planned to the T even if he is nervous as he'll.

Star trying to hype himself up starts to hop in place but as he does so he hears a few twigs snap so he flings around trying to see who or what made the sound.

Blue comes flying out of the trees to throw his arms around Star laying a big kiss upon his lips.

Star breaks the kiss and looks at Blue.
"Well hi there my moonlight." Star says with a tight hug and a kiss to Blue's cheek.

Blue smiles huge with a slight blush covering his cheeks. "What's the plan today Star?" Blue says with curiosity in his voice.

Star happily says.; "A picnic and watching the stars later... maybe something else..." Star says the last part in a whisper.

Blue just looks at him with one of his eyebrows raised as he hugs Star again and sits down on the blanket Star had already spread on the ground for both of them.

Everything went smoothly and perfectly, they spent the rest of the night cuddling till it was the right moment for the rest of the plan to be executed.

Blue moon and starOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant