Part 3

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As they all woke up, they got ready for a big day.

Me: Are you guys ready?
Ben: Yea ready to go.
Nick: Yes.

Then they walked to a restaurant for about 40 minutes. Then they found a table and sat down. We all looked at the menu on what we wanted. Then we ordered what we wanted. Then we waited for the food to come to our table.

Ben: Did anyone of you guys had fun?
Nick: Yes. When I was walking, I saw a dog being cute.
Ben: Oh nice.
Me: I am having fun already.
Ben: That's good.
Me: How did you guys meet?
Nick: We met at an alleyway that was full of graffiti.
Me: That's cool.
Ben:I know it is.

Then the food came and we ate the food. It was so delicious and sweet.

Me: Was the food good?
Ben and Nick: The food was good.
Me: Good.

We all give outside and we go to a nearby game place  and we played games.

Me: Yeah. Wohoo!!
Ben: Oh Yeah!
Nick: Hehehe! This is fun. We should come here more often.

We had fun and we forget what time it is.

I checked outside and the sun was setting.

Me: Let's go home guys.
Nick and Ben: Okay.

Then we all went to my home.  Then I made pancakes for all of us to eat.

Ben: Something smells good. I should see what it is.
Then he went to the kitchen and saw Nick and me eating the pancakes. We were talking about the moment when e all had fun playing games. Ben then sat down and ate pancakes.

Ben: It taste really good.
Me: The pancakes? Yep it's taste really good.
Ben: I'm just gonna put a little bit of honey on the pancake.
Me: Alright then.
Then all of us finished eating. Nick, Ben abs me cleaned our dishes.

Nick: The game I played was super fun. If was about shooting the sea monster.
Me: That's fun. My one was about his to be a pirate Argh.

We put the dishes away. Then we went to our bedrooms.

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