Part 5

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When Nick and Ben woke up, they came up to me and took a breathe in and out.

Nick  and Ben: thanks for reading us the pirate story.
Me: Your welcome.
Nicks and Ben: Oh yeah!
They were so happy. Then I smiled.
Me: How did you become friends?
Ben: We did graffiti together on the walls. We had the same hobby. So we talked to each other and we hanged out with each other often. We had fun. We hanged out with each other everyday and that's how we gained each other's trust. We became closer. That's how we became friends, but now we're best friends.
Me: That's nice.
Nick: Yeah. Thanks.

It's a very good thing to have
Happiness and joy is what fun gives you
Full of stars and light
Night skies
Shining in the dark
Memories and good moments
Full of colors
Forgetting about the full and the dark
All fading away
Fun is all we have

Me: Well, let's all have fun shall we?!
Ben and Nick: Yeah!
I opened my backyard door leaving all of us outside.
Me: Let's play tips. Im in.
Nick: RUN!!

Ben and Nick ran around as I was chasing them. We all had turns chasing each other around until we got tired.

Ben: That's enough of playing tips.

He huffed and puffed going inside the house getting water. We all followed him to grab water as well. We all drank water and we sat down on the couch.

Me: Was it fun playing tips?
Ben: Yeah.
Nick: Yes of course.
Ben: You wanna come over to my house sometime?
Me: Yes I do.
Ben: Great.
Nick: How about me? You wanna come to my house sometime.
Me: Yes. I would come to your house.
Nick: That's great.
Me: Let's go to Bens house tomorrow.
Nick; Alright then.

Nick, I and Ben go to our bedrooms and pack up my things ready for tomorrow.

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