Part 9

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Me: Nick can me and Ben go to your house tomorrow?

Nick: Yeah sure.

Ben: That's cool.

Me: Yeah.

Nick: Anyway it's Ben's birthday party today so we're gonna go to a bar.

Me: Okay.

We all sat inside Ben's car and we go to a bar to celebrate Ben's party. When we got there, we ordered drinks and pancakes. As the drinks and pancakes arrived to our table, we started diving in to it. Every sip was very pleasurable making us drunk. Every taste of the pancake filled our mouths with sweetness of honey and syrup. When we all got fully drunk, we danced like no one was watching us.

Someone came to Ben and punched him to the floor. Nick got angry and fought the person that punched Ben on the ground. The person that punched Ben was je on the floor bleeding and has cuts and bruises on his chest and tummy. The bartender came to stop the fight that was going on. I was still dancing until a person grabbed me and carried me to a private room and locked the door. I banged on the door and screamed for help. Before the person in the room with me could pin me onto a wall and kiss me, the door flew wide open. I closed my eyes shut at the screams.

???: Your about to cheat on me?!

???: N-n-no.

???: Then why you kissing him/her?

The person pointed at me.

???: It's none of your business.

???: Yes it is.

The person that flew the door open leaned into me and kissed me on the cheek. I opened my eyes and saw it was a male. He had brown hair, light yellow eyes, pale skin and he was wearing techwear clothes.  He leaned into my ears.

???: The names Jay and I want you to get out of the room while I deal with my wife, alright darling?

Me: Uh huh.

I said in a drink voice and I stepped out of the room. I then fell on the floor while Ben and Nick fell on top of me.

The bartender saw us drunk on the floor so he got up and drove us to his house. He put us on the same bed. He was waiting patiently for us to wake up and he sat on his chair that was right beside me.

After several hours later, I opened my eyes and saw the others were still unconscious. I looked around me and noticed this place was very unfamiliar to me.

The bartender saw that I was conscious. He then approached and looked at me.

Bartender: Hello there. It's good to see you awake. You should probably wake up your friends.

Me: Okay. I will.

Bartender: Also, are you able to go back home with your friends or no?

Me: I have my phone to track where to go to. No need to worry.

Bartender: Alright. You want me to drive you to that bar that you gone to yesterday and you can walk back home from that bar?

Me: Nah it's fine. Besides my phone said my reines house is like 20 minutes away. It can't be that bad.

Bartender: If you say so.

He left the room and did his own stuff. Ben and Nick then woke up. When they looked around, they panicked.

Me: Ben and Nick.

When they heard my voice they calmed down a bit.

Ben: How did we get here?

Me: The bartender drove us here.

Ben: Oh ok.

Nick: That's a little interesting.

Me: Yeah. It's really interesting. Anyways Ben, do you wanna go to your home right now?

Ben: Yeah of course. Remember to get ready to go to Nick's house.

Me: Totally forgot about that.

Ben: Now you know and now you remember.

Me: Okay.

I turned on my phone and followed the directions of what the map tells us to go to. We then arrived at Ben's house. We then did our bathroom routine. After we did all that, we then packed our stuff. Then when we were all ready to go, we walked to Nick's house.

When we got there, Nick opened his door with his keys and we all entered inside is house. Nick showed us a tour around the house and we unpacked our stuff in rooms around Nick's house. We then rested ourselves on the couch.

Me: That was a long day.

Ben: It sure was a long day.

Nick: Let's watch tv.

Me and Ben: Ok.

Nick then opened his tv and clicked on a comedy movie to watch. While watching the movie, Nick and Ben laughed so hard that they fell on the ground. They were tearing up while they laughed on the floor. After a free minutes, they calmed down.

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