Chapter 1 - Young Volcanoes

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"Moony, you ready? Five minute call."

James popped his head out of the fire exit door, smiling at the sight of his bandmate leant against the wall, cigarette between his fingers. Remus nodded back at him, insisting that he'd be two minutes and for James to stop worrying his pretty little head. 

"I can't, it's been nearly a year, Moons. How aren't you nervous?" Remus only shrugged, flicking his cigarette into a puddle and wrapping an arm around James' shoulders, the two heading back inside. "I've just got a good feeling about tonight. People are excited, really excited, we'll just out and smash it, yeah?"

Peter and Lily were backstage, psyching each other up and discussing small adjustments they'd like to make. James immediately bounded over, placing three kisses against Lily's hair. It was one of his rules, three kisses on Lily's head before the show, they'd been friends for long enough now that it wasn't weird. Remus and Peter had made fun of him for it for a very long time, insisting that it was unnecessary, before they ended up developing their own superstitions. 

What could they say, musicians were superstitious. 

Each member had their own. Along with James' kisses, he also ate the same thing before every show, half a peanut butter sandwich and three pineapple gummy bears. Remus had asked him once why he didn't just make a small sandwich, a questions that was answered with a fifteen minute rant. Lily kept her hair in a bun with one of her drumsticks for the entire day, only taking it out just before they started. Peter had an intricate and overly complicated finger tapping and pacing combination. And Remus drew a star on each of his middle fingers while smoking two cigarettes ten minutes before the show. They were their things. 

"Right boys, this is it, first show in nearly a year. You all ready?" Lily whispered, each of her boys agreeing loudly. "Mary agreed on doing Young Volcanoes first, it's the trademark and she thinks it'll get the fans the most excited the quickest, okay?" Another round of loud agreements from the three boys, all of them grinning at each other. All found of them were practically vibrating with excitement at this point, the nerves completely vanishing. 

"Come on then Moon Drop, let's fuck shit up!"

They ran on stage in single file, navigating their way in the pitch black to adjust their mics and for James and Remus to slip their guitars over their heads. James gave Lily one last look, smiling as she pulled her hair down and twirled her stick between her fingers. He winked at Pete before nudging Remus with his elbow and giving him a nod. 

All at once, Remus strummed his first note, James pulled his mic closer to himself and the lights went up, cheers immediately erupting from the crowd in front of them, as they launched into their first song. 

When Rome's in ruins,

We are the lions, free of the Colosseums.

In poison places, we are anti-venom,

We're the beginning of the end. 

It was easy after that. James and Remus fell into their easy rhythm, playing with each other as James belted out the lyrics. Peter was bouncing behind his keyboard, fingers moving flawlessly across the keys as if he was born to play. Lily was as enthusiastic as ever on her drums, hitting each beat with precision, auburn hair flying in every direction with a steady grin plastered from cheek to cheek. 

Once their first song finished, the house erupted once again. The band only grinned, breathing heavily and waving towards their fans. "Hi guys, long time no see," James exclaimed, pulling yet more cheers from the crowd. "In case you didn't know, we're Moon Drop and we're here to play you some songs."

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