Do Me a Favour

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Halloween. The one night of the year when you can pretend to be someone else. The one night of the year that each member of Moon Drop would beg to experience each day of the year. 

"Who still needs makeup, kids?" Dorcas shouted across the bus, also directing it to the few members that were sat on the steps outside, joint being passed between them. "I still need blood, Cas," Regulus shouted back before exhaling and passing the joint back to Remus, throwing a quick side glance his way as he headed back into the bus. 

Much to both of their dismays, Remus and Sirius stood opposite each other, alone; still awkwardly passing the joint between the pair of them. Remus was actively avoiding all eye-contact with the other, whereas Sirius didn't seem to be able to pay attention to anything other than the brunette opposite them. 

A worldwide music tour with your brother and new group of friends was a great opportunity to learn new things about yourself. Most of these resolved around discovering different foods that you liked, travelling to new exciting cities, taking part in new and thrilling experiences and, apparently, learning about new things that you find attractive; or more specifically, new people that you find attractive. 

Remus was leant against the side of the bus, arms crossed against his chest and one leg bent up against the vehicle, already in his Halloween costume. He had on a pair of dark wash denim jeans, an off-white shirt that was rolled up to his elbows and unbuttoned about halfway down his chest, a light brown waistcoat over the shirt, a pair of steel-toed brown boots in replacement for actual cowboy boots, and the piece de resistance of a slightly worn cowboy hat resting low on his head; obscuring at least a third of his face, namely his eyes. The combination of the rolled up sleeves and lack of done-up buttons on his shirt were showing off the perfect amount of his tattoos, particularly the ones across the front of his chest. 

Sirius couldn't quite take their eyes off of the portrait of a wolf's head right in the middle of the brunette's chest, framed by two fig branches that twisted around his collarbones and ended at the base of his neck. 

To be completely honest, Remus wasn't in too much of a dissimilar position. Sirius' own Halloween costume was stirring some things up within the brunette that he shouldn't particularly be thinking off at that specific point in time; especially after the conversation that he had had with Regulus. They had on a black, lacy corset that ended just above a tiny black skirt that bounced along with them whenever they took a step, a pair of bunny ears that they had covered in glitter last night, and their legs were covered with fishnets that had tiny little crystals sewn into some of the fabric. To top off the entire outfit, Sirius was donning a pair of platform heels that Remus was pretty sure were designed to break people's ankles, but that they seemed to be able to wear like they were the comfiest slippers in the entire world. The ease at which they had been swanning around the bus, and the surrounding area, for the last few hours had made Remus' mouth go dry and his mind to spiral with all sorts of unsavoury thoughts. 

"Oi, you two, get in here so we can take this fucking photo. I'm sweating my ass off in this thing," James exclaimed, motioning to himself before ducking back in through the door. 

Remus simply nodded in the direction of the door, his subconscious and subtle hat tip sending Sirius' mind down a million different gutters. They followed the brunette inside, immediately being tugged into the absolute chaos of eight young-adults getting ready for a night of singing, dancing, and drinking. Dorcas was sat opposite Regulus, flicking watered down red face-paint across his face, and onto the clear raincoat that was laid out next to him. James was helping Peter settle into his race-suit, sticking the final branding patches across his back and down his arms. As for Lily and Marlene, they were setting up a makeshift photoshoot area, and obviously testing it out for themselves with a multitude of lewd poses; most of them being with each other. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15 ⏰

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