Chapter 7 - Medicine

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Something had changed over the past twenty-four hours, and James wasn't a fan of it. The band were currently sound checking in Chicago, Sirius and Regulus sat on the edge of the stage watching them. Rather than the usual friendly and flirty conversation that would usually be happening, particularly between Remus and Sirius, there was a general cold aura encompassing all of them. 

Remus had his bass hooked over his shoulders and seemed to be tuning it intently, although James knew it wasn't even slightly out of tune. As for Sirius, they weren't quite making eye-contact with anyone. They were trying their best to keep up appearances, laughing with Regulus and cheering the band on, but there was a sad glint behind their eyes.

Whatever happened needed to be fixed right the fuck now. 

"Okay guys, that's the time we've got. You happy?" Mary asked, being met with a collection of nods and words of agreement. She simply nodded in response, herding everyone off of the stage and back towards the green room. James jogged a few metres, eventually catching up with Remus and poking him in the ribs. 

"You okay, Moons? Seem a bit off."

Remus shook his head, running a hand through his hair. "Nah, I'm fine, why wouldn't I be?" James simply shrugged, suddenly feeling out of place for being concerned for his best friend. "Fantastic, amazing chat as usual Jamie. Am I allowed to go for a cigarette or would that mean I'm not doing very well?"

James only scoffed and shook his head, holding his hands up in defence. 

"Was just concerned for you, that's all. Have fun doing whatever the hell you want." With that, James joined the rest of the band on route to the green room and Remus slipped out of the fire exit, making his way over to the tour bus. Evan was leant against the driver's door, joint between his lips. A smirk crept onto his face as Remus approached, immediately pulling the blonde into a lip-lock by the chin. 

"How was soundcheck?" Evan asked, running his fingers along Remus' arm as he lit his own cigarette. 

Remus only shrugged, just insisting that it was fine. "Everyone needs to be less fucking concerned about me and start worrying about themselves. I'm gonna lose it at the next person who asks how I am," Remus huffed, exhaling to the side of Evan's face. 

"So I can't ask how everything is with Sirius?"

Remus instantly scoffed again, this time scratching at the back of his neck. "Jesus Christ, we shagged once and kissed twice, they're not my fucking partner. I'm on tour and single, am I not allowed to have a quick shag here and there?" He finished, catching the blonde's eyes suggestively. 

Evan simply smirked and nodded, insisting that he was allowed to do whatever he wanted; secretly hoping they were both on the same page. In the same motion, Remus flicked his cigarette into the distance and pulling Evan into the bus by his wrist, slamming the door behind them and immediately pinning Evan against it by his waist.

"Good thing you're what I want right now then isn't it, sweetheart?"


Sirius' emotions had been running wild since last night, and they didn't fully understand why. With a quick glance at their phone, they realised that the band were meant to be on stage in fifteen minutes; meaning Remus would be expecting them outside.

Or so they thought. 

Once they finally managed to locate to fire exit, and slip outside, they were stuck in their tracks with the door resting open against their arm.

Remus was stood with his back against the wall, cigarette between his fingers and Evan slotted between his legs. The blonde had Remus' free hand in his own, tracing a small star onto the middle finger with Remus' eyeliner; completely unaware of Sirius. 

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