Chapter 4 - Atlantis

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"Remus, please tell me you're joking?" Mary said across the screen, carding her hands through her hair and down her face. Remus only shook his head as Mary groaned, once again. "So let me get this straight, you invited someone you have known for approximately a month to join your band on tour across the globe without consulting anyone on your management team, because you "play better when they're there"?"

"Well, um yeah that's about it. When you say it like that, it sounds a lot worse than it actually is."

Mary seemed to be physically holding a scream, taking a pull on her cigarette before exhaling and nodding. "Get everyone over to your flat, now, including Sirius. I will be there in twenty minutes." And with that, Mary hung up, leaving Remus to wallow in his decisions. 

Okay, so maybe it wasn't the best decision he's ever made, but he couldn't go back on it now. 

[11:43] sirius?

[11:43] can you come over to mine and james' flat

[11:46] please

[11:50] Now? Does this have anything to do with the tour? I was just about to text you

[11:51] yeah it actually is

[11:51] turns out i should've told mary about the text first

[11:51] she wants to have an impromptu meeting with everyone here, in 20 minutes

[11:53] I can be there in 10

Phew, one person down. Now to get the other four. 

Moon Drop

[11:54] hey guys, can we all meet at mine + james' in the next 20 mins, pls

[11:54] i did something (kinda) stupid + mary wants to talk about it

[11:56] oh honey, what did you do?

[11:56] nothing that bad, it just maybe should've been a group decision

[11:57] okay, as long as your haven't killed anyone

[11:57] i'll be there in 10/15

[11:59] Can you pick me up on the way Lils?

[11:59] sure thing pete, wait outside your house

[12:00] Love you flower

[12:03] Me + Reg are on the way

[12:03] thank you guys, love you all

Slowly, people started to trickle into the flat. First, it was Sirius, making Remus' cheeks flush as they gave him a quick hug upon entry. "Is Mary angry?" They whispered, following Remus out to the balcony. He only shrugged, "I don't really know. She's definitely not happy with me right now but I wouldn't go as far as angry." Sirius nodded, gladly accepting a cigarette that was offered to them. 

"I was going to say yes, you know."

That shocked Remus, leaving his staring across at Sirius, lighter clicked shut at the end of his cigarette. They were going to say yes. In all honesty, Remus hadn't even thought that Sirius would agree. Had thought they would laugh, turn on their heels and run away with Emmeline. "Yeah?"

"Of course, man. You offered me the chance to travel the world, with awesome friends, who the fuck would say no to that? Plus, me and Em are kinda in an awkward spot at the moment, so I probably need some space from her."

my lucky charmOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz