Chapter 6 - watch you sleep.

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"Thank you San Fran. We've been Moon Drop, and you've been amazing. Goodnight!"

The band quickly waved at everyone in the stadium, cheers erupting as they ran off stage. As per usual, their friends were waiting for them backstage; immediately pulling them all into tight hugs. They were four shows in their tour, quickly falling into the rhythm of different cities, larger scales shows, and living in incredibly close quarters. Now don't get them wrong, each show was still overwhelming and crazy to think about, but it had been surprisingly easy to adjust to. 

However, they had learnt a lot more about each other, not every detail being completely necessary. 

With nine people sharing a singular bus, there wasn't much privacy amongst the group; if any. Everyone had learnt that Marlene seemed to survive solely on bowls of cereal, frozen gyoza, cigarettes, and cans of peach flavoured Monster. Peter wasn't much different, consuming an average of seven iced americanos daily, something that simply made Mary shake her head and question how his heart hadn't given up. Remus had to reveal to the rest of the group, James already being far too aware of this fact, that he wasn't all too big of wearing shirts around his home; something that seemed to be affecting Sirius more than anyone else in the group. And, as for James, the rest of the group had become very familiar with the fact that he had a very strict morning routine; something that had already caused a few arguments, most of them ending with water and toothpaste smearing the walls of the bus.  

After an appropriate amount of hugging and congratulations, Mary had to do her best to corral the group into the bus. "Come on you lot, we've got to get on the road as quickly as possible. Chicago is thirty-two hours away, so the quicker we get there, the more downtime you'll all have before your show," she explained, quite literally herding the eight young-adults out of the stadium. 

They did eventually make it onto the bus, spirits high and conversations light, as they relaxed into the main area. Evan, their driver, popped his head through the small window that connected the cab and the rest of the bus; earning a round cheers from the group. 

Evan Rosier was someone that had immediately clicked with the rest of the group. He was tall and lean, blonde locs studded with multi-coloured beads and framing his face perfectly, random tattoos dotted along his skin. The group had taken an instant liking to him, possibly due to the fact that he let them smoke in the bus with the windows open, constantly cracking jokes and interrupting him whilst he was driving. 

"Everyone ready?"

They all nodded, bringing a bright smile to Evan's face. "Sick. We'll stop in like six hours, if everyone's good with that?" Another round of nods from the group meant that Evan ducked his way back into the sab, starting up the bus and pulling away from the stadium; noting the way that certain fans had lined the streets and were now screaming as they watched the bus drive away. 

"Right, I'm going to bed. Please don't wake me up, under any circumstances. You're all adults and you can survive without me," Mary stated, heading towards the back of the bus where her own private room waited for her. 

"Completely untrue Mary, what if we burn the bus down?" James piped up from his spot on the sofa, arm wrapped around Regulus' shoulders as he gladly accepted a beer from Remus. "Then let Lily fix it, like usual," Mary responded, not even turning around as she pulled her door shut. 

James simply shook his head, sipping his beer and looking around at the rest of the group. The girls were all stood in the kitchen area, preparing the quickest snacks they could get their hands on, a bottle of wine being passed between the three of them. Remus was leant against the wall opposite James, shirtless as usual, chatting to Sirius and Peter about nothing in particular, each of their swigging from their own bottles of beer as Sirius passed them each a cigarette. 

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