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Dr Abdulkarim  pondered what his wife's reaction to Hauwa's joining the dinner earlier would be. She had been unaffected when she earlier informed him of her arrival. He did not expect her to go rantankerous over it while Hauwa was around, but his hope went flimsy when he, Bashir and Hauwa brought up politics and he sensed that she felt left out. Aishe was a jealous woman, that he knew well. She wouldn't have her husband claimed in her presence, not when it was over things she had no idea about. She was from a family of Islamic scholars. Her father still held the highest position in Nilefa Islam-wise. She had been against the idea of politics when they used to stay in England, she still did.  She had tried to convince Dr Abdulkarim to forgo the idea, pointing at how threatening Nilefa politics had become, but he would not abandon his vision for the people of his state. They deserved better than what they were having and it was a challenge he was willing to accept if would take everything he had.

Aishe came in the room, closing the door to the bathroom. Without a glance in his direction moved towards the French doors leading to the balcony. Without a word, a contemplative Abdulkarim joined her and sat on the edge of the recliner she had stretched on, eyes closed.

"You look tired" he tried to initiate a conversation. He hoped to get a chance to explain why he had done what he did. Her eyes were still closed, but he knew she was aware of all of his movements and that he was staring at her.

"I am tired"

"You must be, after this long evening. You made everything perfect" he smiled. " Bashir was captivated by your interior design in the living room and dining area, he could not stop talking about it. The food is not to talk of!" He laughed briefly." He was not wrong, I could eat that ndalai all day and still not get enough. He offered that you gave halima your recipe for the soup"

"Oh stop talking as if the evening was about me. You invited your wife without telling me. I am grateful for your consideration." She said lifting herself off the recliner.

" Where are you going?" He asked following her into the room while she made her way to the door that would lead her out.

"I am going to cuddle my little boy to sleep." She said, making an exit.

" I'm waiting here, I will not sleep until you are back" he called, raising his voice for her to hear. He did not get a response, so he did what was best for him at the moment and made himself comfortable on the bed. He wished he could do same with his mind as he was worked up inside and knew well she won't return for the night.

In the morning, he was greeted with the sight of his wife, dressed up. She was holding a car key and informed him that she was going to see her father.

"I thought we would be going together, with the kids"

" Oh you and your kids can go see him later. " She said with finality in her tone.

Aishe was the a specimen for cold. It wasn't like she was reacting any less than this if she was informed of Hauwa's coming, Dr Abdulkarim thought. He silently granted her the permission to go as it was the only thing that was stopping her from leaving.

He had a meeting with the party members in less than an hour. He took a quick shower and went to the dining room. He met his son's there and asked of Yasmeen. She appeared before they could answer him.

"Good morning dad" she said pulling a chair out.

"Morning" he answered and asked her how she was.

" I am fine. "

" I will have Laminu arrange for your schools here as soon as possible. I don't want you lurking around the house doing nothing." Father stated sipping his tea

" Yes dad. Sadiq is quite a nuisance" Yasmeen put out.

" Is that so?" Father asked raising his eyebrows with mirth.

"Yes! Having him go to school would relieve me of his constant nagging" Yasmeen said rolling her eyes at him.

Father smiled stating that Sadiq was none of what she had said, that his Baba hardly spoke. Amir argued that he always was on his nerves too, but all dad gave was a quiet laughter.

" Baanyi(my father in kanuri) are you not going to say anything? "

"No, I will just wait here and see what she does the day she marries and leaves the house" Sadiq quipped" I pray it doesn't take long with all her nagging. "

Yasmeen's mouth fell and her eyes went wide at her brother's remark. He had never joked about her getting married. "Father how dare he!"

She shoved a spoon and Safiq and he dodged, laughing." You think you will be staying with us forever?"

" Jazz isn't going anywhere" that was Amir.

"No she definitely is leaving us soon and you are stuck with me"

"No!" Amir protested.

Soon there was spoons and bread flying in the air as the siblings attacked each other.

" Enough!" Father yelled playfully. "It's okay. Nobody's leaving anybody. "

"Warn him" Yasmeen glared. And went back to cutting her omelette.

They finished breakfast and father was ready to leave for meeting.

"There's a conversation we are going to have when I come back" he said to Yasmeen who accompanied him to his car. " And get ready to go and see Sayinna later"

"Yes, mother told me" she answered.

After he had left, when contemplated the conversation they were going to have.

Back in her room, she sat in front of her dresser and started to oil her hair. She was brushing it when her phone rang. Answering, she placed it on speaker .

"Assalamualaikum" came a male voice from the other end.

"Wa alaykum salaam" she answered trying to recognize the voice.

"You kept me waiting" the person said. Yasmeen smirked looking in the mirror at her reflection, recognizing well the voice.

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