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It was the first time she'd be sleeping in this room since Abdulkarim's departure. Every second in the room reminded her of him. His scent was still there, undiluted. She opened the wardrobe and took one of his jallabiyas out. She decided she was wearing it tonight. She went extra miles to spray his perfume on before she threw herself on the large bed. She took her phone and dialed his number hoping he would pick up. It was already 11pm. She knew it would be late over  there being two hours apart and that he most possibly would be at the Masjid, but she still tried. He picked up on the first ring.

" Assalamualaikum"

" Wa alaikum salam." Hearing his voice made her heart skip a beat.

" Good evening."

" It's already morning here, so, good morning."

" Mhmm... How are you?"

" I am fine. How are you doing over there? I hope you are having enough rest and taking your medications."

" I am perfectly fine. " She paused before adding," just missing you."

" Mhmmm.... It doesn't seem so to me. You are already so perfectly fine." How could she explain to him that she was in his clothes sleeping in his bed, burying her nose into his pillow, yet missing him terribly.

" That's because I just heard your voice." His laughter reached her ear making her join him.

" Now that I know my voice goes that far, I may have to charge you for every call."

" I am not sure if I can afford it. The voice is priceless." Now he was trying so hard to keep his voice down, he wheeze-laughed. Hauwa on the other hand clutched a pillow to her chest enjoying how much her words had affected him. They talked for about half an hour about the children, and everything else apart from politics. Abdulkarim had set terms not to engage in any political activity as long as Ramadan was here.

Hauwa took no part in sticking to those terms however. She had already gone far in her plans to expose Baana Asheik's involvement with drug and weapon traffickers. Captain had given her all the details she needed and the best channel to disseminate the information. Abdulkarim knew none of that. He needn't know. Baana Asheikh would be brought down in the worst way possible. He didn't deserve to contest for the position to lead the state he was verily putting in danger. It was saddening to see the masses cheer for him when he was their very threat.

The people would have been convinced that Abdulkarim meant no good, having lived most of his life out of the country, living with white people. There were even rumours that he had come to take all their money and abandon them. It's was no news that the opposing party had started that rumor, because they were the ones capable of such odious acts.

After they'd said goodbye, she went to the bathroom and performed ablution. It was the last night of the month, and she had a lot to pray for; good health, a happy family, a successful election, and most of all beautiful kids and bliss in her marriage. Ambitious, one would say, but what was beyond God's power?


" I've had your chi-a Mai designed. Your gambara comes in turquoise and sapphire. You will love it." Yasmeen listened as aunt Ruwaya prattled on. Aunt Hauwa's nurse seemed entertained by aunt Ruwaya's mannerisms.

" Anty you seem to have traveled the world."

" There's not a place you would mention that I haven't been to."


"You take a guess."

" Prague."

Yasmeen took her face in her palms as soon as the nurse mentioned the city. It was there she had her infamous bike accident and sustained a fracture in her left arm, and left her a scar.

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