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" Well you aren't waiting anymore" she said crossing her legs, drawing patterns on her bare thigh.

"I wanted to be called first" answered the caller.

"Well it's not you that's playing hard to get" Yasmeen answered.

"Oh is that what it is? Playing hard to get? "

" Yes." Yasmeen said resting her elbows on the dresser.

" I see. So I need to please the lady, get to her good graces."

"I suppose so" Yasmeen gazed at the mirror, like it was herself she was talking to.

The person on the other side laughed admitting that she was being clear as mud.

" I wish to know what pleases the lady then" Yasmeen beamed at the idea of what bought her attention."apart from chocolates of course, I don't want you gathering cholesterol."

" You should be lucky I am not into chocolate, but if you mentioned a word about tea, I would have your premature attempts at wooing skinned, and hanged"

"Whoa that's rather brutal. I am glad you don't like chocolates, but girls that like tea are hard to win. I mean, you can't offer tea to win her heart because she must have had it just before you met, and has plenty waiting to be sipped over her thinking about giving you a chance." Yasmeen laughed heartily.

" I would get you a dress but I know you have a myriad of them hanging in your closet " he sounded helpless.

" Now, why don't you offer something off the material list. Nothing can buy my attention" she offered.

" Wow, now this is new" sounding surprised.

"What is?"

" A Nilefa girl choosing wit over matter"

"You seem to be quite experienced" she quipped, slightly offended.

" No love, I am quite the opposite. With you I found it hard to resist. Forgive my blunder" he sounded apologetic.

" I do not mind" she lied" I am not seeing you anytime soon. You can explore your talents...... With the girls... you know. " She sounded sarcastic.

"No, Jasmine. I can wait until you ask to see me. I can spend the rest of the time being a hopeless romantic "

Yasmeen couldn't help a shy smile. She was not used to hearing such lines from men. No one ever courted her. Not that she didn't make any impressions, she was too reserved. Mother's strictness about seeing English boys added to it

"I am hanging up on you" she said with jest, then made a move to hang up ,which  didn't go unnoticed by him.

" Wait! Wish me good day" his voice was a plea

"Suit yourself" she said giggling into the phone, then hung up.

Mamman Nur. She liked his name , and he didn't look bad either. They say next to each other on the flight from Lagos to Abuja. He had flirted a lot and gotten them to exchange numbers. She had not expected him to call her that late. She wasn't going to call him either.

She slipped an abaya in preparation for their visit to their grandfather. Mother had left early in the morning stating that she had matters to discuss with her father. Yasmeen knew that mother left only because she was angry with their father.

She prayed zuhr and went to remind her siblings that they were to leave soon.

Amir was named after Sayinna, Aishe's father. He was ecstatic  about the visit. Yasmeen thought her mother's family loved Amir more, it was obvious why. He has has their looks and he was Sayinna's chuna .

They spent the day there and took several taida( sacred water for protection) home when it was time to leave. Hajju insisted they took dinner there but mother pleaded that it wasn't nice to keep father waiting. He would be home then, before he leaves to his other house.

" Jazz" Father called on their arrival. Yasmeen answered discarding her shoes. She straightened when her father came further into the room." We were going to have this conversation with your mother around but I fear we would not. She happens to avoid me and it's totally my fault.

"Yeah dad, you messed with Aishe" Yasmeen joked trying to lighten the mood. She appreciated the change in her father's demeanor, but that didn't stop the sinking she felt in her stomach. She and her father hardly had serious conversations in private. " You have to make it up to her "

"That I will! I sure will. " Father paused. Yasmeen gulped as the serious look on his face returned." How do you find Barrister Abdulsalam?"

"  Pardon?" Her heart picked up.

" Don't you think he's likable, of sorts? I mean he is a well accomplished lawyer from a good family. " father relayed.

" Oh you like him" Yasmeen sat on the bed.

"Yes" father answered simply, joining her " for you"

She had never thought of having it in her worst nightmares, her father picking her a suitor.

" What?..." Her face was a fine definition of exasperated.  A thousand questions began to flood her mind, but none came out.

" Look, I am not forcing you but you will at some point have to see men. I may be okay with having you around forever, and not complain ever. " He stressed on EVER.

" Then why are we having this conversation? I want to be here too, forever!" Yasmeen was a bit louder.

" A lot of things have changed for us Yasmeen. This is Nigeria, Nilefa to be precise. You are about to be part of the First family in the state, people will look up to us. At some point we will have to make choices that will protect our image and....."

" Wait. Tell me this isn't about politics " Yasmeen's look was stern" tell me this is not because it is attached to some political benefit"

" I am not forcing you"

" Tell me dad" she feared hearing what he was about to say but she expected it.

" But it's more for your own benefit. Abdulsalam is a fine lawyer, astute, brilliant. With your status, he is the only man I can see right now that is suitable for you."

She used to believe that mother was harsh on father because of her grudges towards him about his marriage, but now she believed that father was only being a selfish politician and would go to any length to get what he wanted, even if it cost him his only daughter.

" Well done your excellency!" Mother stood at the door, clapping." Isn't it rather bashful, hmm? You trade yourself in pursuit of a seat you are not even certain to win eventually, now you are subjecting your daughter to the same. Have you no shame?"

" Aishe mind your words" father warned.

" No I will not. I will not have my daughter used by a blind politician, because with the look of things, the father in you is just lurking. "

"Aishe I'm warning you" father stepped closer to mother.

" Are you going to beat me now? Go on.."

Yasmeen stepped in between them holding mother at bay.

" I have had enough! Leave me alone. Both of you." She said almost screaming" please"

Mother stayed until father had closed the door behind him when he walked out. She left then, without saying a word.

Yasmeen just had her second worst evening in Nilefa, all within one week. Damn him indeed!

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