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Hauwa Sadiq sat in her father's lavishly made parlour waiting for him. Alhaji Garwa had asked to see her that day. Hauwa was with Dr Abdulkarim when her father called.

She was in the middle of a crucial conversation with her husband about some strategies that might benefit their goals. He sat across from her on a patio chair. It was the first time she had gotten to sit with him during daytime, since he had moved to Nigeria.
Her relationship with the college professor was built on their common goals . She was shrewd when it came to politics. She grew up seeing her father's supremacy in the domain. Alhaji Garwa had over the years been a prodigal sponsor for the People's Democratic Congress(PDC). The leading party, and the party Dr Abdulkarim belonged to.

When the call ended she informed Abdulkarim of her father's summon. He only nodded, his eyes still on the catalog he was flipping. She stood up and left to dress.

In the room, she took a long time staring at herself in the mirror. She was lean but she didn't lack curves. In fact, she was curvy. She wondered why her husband couldn't look at her like any man should look at his wife. She didn't wear revealing clothes, but she had made attempts at getting his attention. A light makeup, some incense, fancy perfume, none of her attempts had managed to get his attention. Sometimes she would sit in proximity to him but he had so far not shown an ounce of affection. She knew she could get him to succumb to her needs, but she didn't want to push. He had a lot to his chest. His running, his prodigal son, his unwilling daughter. She wished she could rid him of all of his fears and troubles. She was glad there was one thing she could help him get, and she would wear out to get him to his dream.

" I will be back before you leave." He was still where she had left him earlier, sipping tea.

" Deliver my word to him." Sighing at his nonchalance,she left.

Alhaji Garwa's residence was lavishly made. His spacious parlour was one to catch the eyes. There was a huge portrait of him at one edge of the room, with the party's logo. Hauwa was his favorite child as she was the only one who took after him and chosen politics. Hauwa's siblings hardly stayed in Nilefa. They had gone their own ways pursuing their businesses, paying no attention to their father's passion .

Alhaji Garwa appeared from one of the doors, striking his walking stick against the tiled floor. " I was resting over Senator Bukar's selfish suggestions"

" What did he suggest this time?" She asked smiling. It was priceless to hear her father associate his favorite Bukar with the word she had spent almost the whole of her lifetime, trying to make him see.

" He came with his stupid attempts to lure me into supporting Grema to aspire. Such an idiot! Grema cannot lead a flock of goats if he's made to. The man that sabotaged the fund to build a bridge! A whole bridge. We couldn't even defend him in court. Not even with the best lawyers. It took us a great deal to get his name cleared." The older man stated, wistfully. "As if that is not enough "

"It is not as of I have not warned you" Hauwa quipped. " You have wasted quite a fortune at getting him to the governorship. Thank God you are ageing and loving your money more because I am tired of having you waste your money on such imbeciles"

The old man gave a throaty laugh" you don't not know the satisfaction with having power over power. Supremacy is alluring. That is why you are drawn to it. And no, I am not keeping my money because I think it's going to finish. I could fund a presidential campaign and still not get a scratch on my wealth." Garwa was presumptuous. " Your husband is willing to fund his campaign. I want to see how far he can go. "

" He has gone far you know. We have most of the delegates on our side, even the governor." Hauwa stated confidently.

" He has the capacity to become the next governor. I have not seen that kind of passion in long. I thought he was just fibbing when he talked about his visions for Nilefa. " Hauwa glared at him" don't give me that look, he is a college professor. Scholars despise politics."

" His grandfather did a great job with during his time" Hauwa mentioned.

" That is why it would not be hard for him to make it to the people's hearts. Although it was a long time ago, history has never failed to keep his name alive. May Allah have mercy on his soul, then he was the greatest of my problem. " Garwa acknowledged. " He would not have me get my way! How time flies, it's been 30 years. "

" I knew the time he died. Alhaji Yusuf came to tell you" Hauwa knowingly stated.

" Don't flatter me" she old man shoved in her direction" you were in diapers then. "

Her eyes widened at his reply" I was five! "

" You wore diapers until you were five!" The old man lauged.

" Baba" her voice held warning. She liked to have those jestful moments with her father. To him , she was still a little girl in the diapers.

After their laughter had died down, she asked why she was called so urgently.

" I heard your husband is making alliances with the devil, Shettima. Is he not aware of his vile tendencies." The old man pressed against his hand clutching his stick which was now held vertically between his legs as he leaned forward on the couch.

" I believe he is no threat to Abdulkarim. If he tries anything stupid, he'll have me to answer to. However, his son is far from what he is. A good lawyer with high regard for the law." Hauwa stated with ease. " Abdulkarim believes he can trust him"

" Oh! All these professors and their beliefs" Garwa scowled." They believe they know everyone at sight. " He paused then continued" my concern is, he happens to be associated with the explosion at the mines. It's still a mystery to security agencies. A fit of explosions without any technical issues. I have been in the oil business for decades before 1994. I have not seen anything like it before. "

Hauwa was shocked at the revelation. Bashir was quite the devil but she had never pegged him that evil. The explosion at the mines had wrecked havoc on Nilefa. Her father's name included as he was the one leading the oil sector in Nilefa. He had his own mines all over Nigeria. He was suspected to have plotted the explosion for the benefit of his business. It took him almost a decade to clear his name.

" You don't say" Hauwa was stunned.

" Warn him if need be" The old man warned. " If this is brought up again, it's taking a great lot of people down. Right now, only his name has been brought forth."

He warned her to not mention it to anyone. Hauwa made a mental note to investigate the issue herself.

147 people were reported to have died from the fit of explosions in 1994. Nilefa was a hurricane then, over the loss of the lot of people in one accident. It was said that Nilefa had not recovered from the trauma until date.

" Thank you Baba. I will take my leave now."

The old man nodded and bid her goodbye.

On her return, Hauwa met Dr Abdulkarim. Had he waited for her to return? She smiled at the thought. He looked relaxed in his jallabiya . Would this ever get old? At her age she felt butterflies in her stomach whenever she saw him.

" Baba sends his greetings" she stated taking her veil off. She turned to him thinking he wouldn't spare her a glance. To her surprise, Abdulkarim was looking at her.

" I hope everything is fine. With the urgent call" 'He is concerned', she thought. She found herself happily telling him that everything was fine. She had nothing else to add.

" Have you eaten?" She asked him. She knew he would be having dinner at his other house, but she asked nevertheless.

" No" came his answer. He made no move to prepare to leave.

" Do you want me to cook you something?" He looked contemplative. She wished he would say yes.

" Do not bother. I'm leaving." She nodded. He left to his room.

Over the two years of their marriage she had come to make peace with the fact that he would not return her feelings. Not anytime soon.

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