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Yasmeen just got her driver's license. She was pondering over what she would have becomke if she wasn't an engineer. She wanted to go for arts in highschool but mother said no. Science was the only thing worth studying. She had gotten an admission into Stanford university to study Medicine, unfortunately, mother said no to that too. She had to settle for the local university because Stanford was too far. She didn't know what it felt like to be her mother, but if she was, she would let herself go to Stanford. She turned her attention back to the road and looked up. There it was! The law firm where Audu worked. She took a U turn and drove into the fenced building.

"Why are you here?" Yasmeen raised her eyebrows and smiled. She was treated nicely by the officials there, from the moment she stepped in the foyer.

" I came to see you. I just got my license so I decided to visit you first." She sat.

" That doesn't answer my question." He was getting angry.

" Is that how you treat your guests?" Yasmeen looked at him accusingly.

" We don't have guests here, we have clients. Unless you have an issue that needs legal intervention, you are not welcome here." Audu stated firmly.

Yasmeen only smirked and stood up, and instead of leaving, she went around the table, and to his side. His office was fairly large. She looked around and walked forth to where the AC stood on the floor." Your office is like an oven. Is your air conditioner not working?"

"No. Don't you think I would have switched it on if it did. Leave please."

"Call maintenance" Yasmeen stopped inspecting the device " The best you can do is switch it on or off. I need the tool box. Call maintenance" Yasmeen said looking around the room. Her eyes settled on his gown which was hanging on a tripod coat rack, alone with his coat and wig.

" you think I didn't call them?" He was annoyed" Bashar, the maintenance guy came and saw it earlier. He left to buy a few things to replace"

" What pray tell has to be replaced?" Yasmeen inspected the device again." It looks fine. And new.

" We wouldn't know. I'll wait for the expert, please leave." His voice was lower now.

" No. And I am an engineer myself. I can fix this. Please let me have the tool box." Yasmeen insisted.

The toolbox was brought and Yasmeen took her veil, beginning to examine the machine. Audu just looked on, as she handled the tools expertly. He she was showing off, making him silently hope she doesn't make it. Mere minutes, and she was done. He was back working and had ignored her presence in the room. He was relieved that she was working without saying a word, until she switched the AC on and it was working perfectly.

" How did you do that? " Audu was baffled.

Yasmeen only smiled, reaching for her veil on the chair. "A ' thank you' will do. Unless you want to pay me"

" I will pay. Leave your account number with my secretary, good day. " He sat and fidgeted with the things on the table, files , pens,pins..... anything.

" Why are you being so hostile? I just did something nice to you and..."

" I told you ,you are not welcome here. We cannot talk here, and I am expecting a client." He cut her.

" You won't pick my calls, how about that?" She looked sad." Have I offended you?

" Look err....meena" he started but realized he didn't know her name.

" It's Yasmeen" she quipped.

" What's the difference?" Audu stated, confused.

" My name is entirely different from what you just called me" Yasmeen stated matter-of-fact-ly.

" Okay. Thank you Yasmeen.....or whatever it is you call yourself. I will call you later, you have to leave now."

" Do you promise?" Yasmeen pouted like a child.

Audu was devastated. What was she getting at? Why would he promise to call her. It appeared she was taking his father's talks seriously. He wasn't interested in an arranged marriage with a brat, just because she was from a prominent family." Why would I promise you?"

" Because I will not leave this office until you do. I would enjoy staying and wearing your wig." Yasmeen herself was surprised at her boldness. She felt so free around him. She enjoyed getting on his nerves, especially now that she knows just how, and how easy it is to get to him.

" You will do no such thing. Just go, okay? I will call you later." Yasmeen stared at him until she was satisfied with his response. She smiled shyly and bid him goodbye.

Audu plopped down lazily on his chair and ran his fingers over his forehead, as soon as she left. He was relieved that she was gone. He didn't know why there was a lot of comfort when she let him be. He blew some air through his mouth and leaned back on the chair, closing his eyes. A few moments later, he was dozing off. He had woken up early that day and had not had enough sleep the night before. It was when the maintenance guy appeared to take the toolbox back that it occurred to him that he had not just slept because the he hadn't had enough sleep, it was because the AC was working just fine. He smiled at the thought , picturing her using her slender form handling the tools. He pushed the thought before it lingered.

Bashar came in just at the right time, clutching a polythene bag. It was just the picture Audu had painted earlier, of the man's arrival. He stood there in his faded, grey uniform. Audu was happy, he had found just the right object to pour his rage upon.

" I will not tolerate you talking any further Bukar. You know why we called this meeting, and as far as I am concerned, it's not even necessary. It is only Dr Abdulkarim that finds it unproper to have you pegged sore losers. Succumb or not, this" she made a circle on the table with her finger." Is the winning team."

"How dare you child talk to me in that manner" Bukar hit the table and stood up with rage." I will not have you disrespect me just because you are ASG's daughter."

" I am done talking. And I see no ASG here. I am not responsible for the fear you have for him, and I am not hiding in the shadows, this is me doing my thing, it is not my father's doing. My husband has made you an offer, you either take it or leave it."

Dr Abdulkarim and others round the table watched quietly as the woman fiercely made her point. Dr Abdulkarim was growing uneasy at the was his wife was confronting the older man. He was about to say something when he felt her clutch his hand quickly under the table. She was still looking straight at Bukar when he turned to look at her. She gave him a gentle squeeze and blinked.

The air in the room shifted and Bukar sat back on his chair.

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