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Aishe sat in Hajju's room, on the rugged floor. She spent most of her time at her father's house with Hajju these days. She couldn't stand Abdulkarim. He had insisted that she returned from Abuja as soon as the event was over.

" He has his wife now Hajju, what does he need me for?" She stated annoyed about Hajju standing with Abdulkarim against her.

"And now you have given him away just like that, to her when he's about to take the biggest step in his life".  Hajju's sweet voice never lost it's touch. Her voice sounded like birds singing to the morning sun. Her voice was at it's best when she recited the Quran. Calm and sweet.

" I was with him for over twenty years. When he wanted family more than anything. Now he wants the governorship more than anything and I am not the one to help him get that." Aishe sounded sad.

" But you are not making any attempt at it either. Instead you are creating more problem for him. Why can't you consider what this man wants for once Aishe?"

" What do you mean Hajju? You want me to let him force my daughter into a marriage she does not want? A kind of marriage that is built on mutual benefits like the one he's in?" Aishe spoke with disgust.

" You did not bring Yasmeen into this world alone, she needs to obey her father. There is nothing wrong in a man wanting the best for his daughter. Your father did the same with you, you did not choose Abdulkarim. Did you regret your father's choice? Would you have disobeyed your father then? "

Aishe's looked down. Hajju knew well how to subdue her.

" Why are you trying to subject your daughter to her father's anger?" Hajju sounded persuasive." Let your daughter choose Aishe, just pray for her."

Aishe didn't say a word after that. If her daughter didn't want the marriage, she would see to it that it doesn't happen.


Yasmeen and Amir were sitting in the living room when Aishe arrived. Yasmeen was as usual wearing a short dress that barely reached her knees. How could she get it into the girls thick brain that they were prone to having visitors at anytime. This was Nilefa, people didn't call before they dropped by.

" Yasmeen, how many times do I have to tell you to wear your abaya over these dresses?" Aishe' spoke with a tone.

" My abaya is right here" Yasmeen said touching the black clothe folded next to her.

" Then wear it" Aishe's voice held command.

" Mum no one's here! It's just..."

Aishe cut her off and ordered her to her room. Amir was about to go after her when mother stopped him asking if their father had come in during the day. He answered that he came and left before lunch.

" Aunt Ruwaya called" Amir informed. " She told jazz that she was coming next week. She said she couldn't reach you"

"Good. I will call her." She began to ascend the stairs when Amir called to her.

" Mummy Yaagana's birthday is tomorrow. Can you please tell jazz to take me to the store to buy her a gift?" Amir looked cute making a puppy face.

"Did she invite you?" Aishe knew well how her son loved parties. He would go to ones he's not even invited, but she would not let him this time.

He reached in his pocket and brought out a crumpled card. "Here it is. Thank God it's the weekends mummy. I would hate to miss it.,"

The kids went to the same school now. Amir was in primary 3, while Sadiq was in SS 2. Yaagana met him earlier in school that day and gave him the invitation card. Yaagana was Amir's best friend, regardless of their difference in class and age. Amir talked often about her, to which Sadiq poked him with, calling him a girlfriend.

" You will go with Sadiq then, with the driver. Zainaba!" Mother called to the maid and asked her to accompany the kids to the store.


Yasmeen sighed as she sat in her bed. Noor, her Pakistani friend from Bradford had just informed her that they had welcomed their first baby. Noor had married during their finishing year, to a prince. It was the first wedding she had attended as a bridesmaid. Father allowed her to go with Noor and her parents to Pakistan, where the wedding ceremony was held. She was ecstatic about it. She and Noor had been best friends from middle school. Now it's all the more reason to go to Bradford.

Yasmeen wore the Abaya over her and went back downstairs. There, she found Amir, Sadiq and Zainaba set to leave, while mother sat in a patio chair scrolling through her phone.

" Where are you guys going to?" She inquired.

" To the store. We are getting gifts for Yaagana's birthday" Amir answered reaching for the door.

"I am coming with you, I am just going to get my veil. " Yasmeen started to the stairs but was stopped by mother's voice.

" What are you going to the store for? "

" To get gifts for Yaagana and there's a few things I need to get too." She tried to sound convincing. Mother had kept eyes on her since their encounter with M-Nur in Abuja. Yasmeen did not know why mother didn't want her to see men, wasn't she old enough?

"Zainaba don't let any of them leave your sight. And come back as soon you are done" Mother gave stern instructions.

"Yes Ya Hajja ." Zainaba said nodding.

When they arrived at the store, they met the Bashirs there. Baby rushed to Yasmeen and hugged her. Their mother was there too. Yasmeen and her siblings along with Zainaba moved to greet her.

They were obviously shopping for the party too as Mustapha was holding a trolly. Yasmeen was talking to Baby when Audu appeared from a corner

"Excuse me. Where can I find the candles?" The person asked the steward. As he was given directions Yasmeen's eyes remained on him. Baby had to click her fingers to snap her out of her trance.

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