Chapter 3 - Weight-In.

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                                                                                 Akali's POV

The sun made its way into my room as i groan in annoyance having to get up. Taking a moment to rest against the back of the bed i sigh and push some of my hair out of my face while a yawn forces its way out of me. 

"It's been so long since i've slept so good..." 

I say to no one since i'm alone in the room. Looking out of the window the only thing visible was the tall buildings of Piltover. 

It hasn't even been that long since we moved here, a year and a half ago. Taric, our manager said it would be the best move for our carreers to base our band into the city of progress. Also, we came across Seraphine here, this city has done a lot of good for us, K/DA, sometimes i wonder what else it has in store for us. 

That's when  three knocks on the door grab my attention as i glare at the clock resting on the nighstand, 9 a.m? I still somehow manage to get up early even where there are no alarms. Miss the days where i could sleep til noon with no consequences.

The door opens and inside comes Kai'Sa wearing her pajamas, well, a tank top and shorts. Which is quite the opposite i wear to sleep. Almost always i rock an oversized T-Shirt. Yes, just that. 

"Morning Kai." 

I give her a heartwarming smile, well, as heartwarming as it can be since i haven't had my coffee yet. 

"Goodmorning! You seem better than yesterday." 

My bandmate said as she sat on the side of the bed. Nodding i slightly pull myself upwards and look at her again.

"Yeah, seems like i really needed that break." 

Of course, i knew what was coming next- 

"Told you so." 

Knew it, her lips curled into a smirk as she giggled once seeing my reaction to that which was a frown. 

"It's really good to see you good. Honestly." 

She smiled again as i drop the frown and nod again. 

"You're up early." 

I comment and she sighs before looking out of the window that overlooks the city. It's known in this house that i have the best room because of the view. What can i say, i'm just that good at everything, even choosing a room.

"I always wake up early. But i'm here to tell you something." 

I just raise my eye brow as she turns and looks at me before taking a breath in and exhaling it.

"Today is their Press and Weight-In." 

My eye brow stays raised as i'm trying to figure out who are we talking about and what the term weight-in means. Seems like she caught the fact that i am beyond confused at the moment and keeps on talking.

"Y/N and that Ramires' guy press conference and weight-in. It's when two fighters sit down and talk before their fight. After that they weight themselves to make sure it will be a fair fight and they also take the picture for the match." 

My mouth hangs open in an 'o' expression as i now understand what she meant, although i still don't know why she told me that. I'm more interested in the match than them talking. Even though Y/N's way of talking is more appealing to me- 

"So, i will be seeing it online and i wondered if you would like to watch it with me. Yasuo will be here too since he's been saying non-stop that Y/N is his favorite fighter since yesterday."

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