Tam and Keefe

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Dex: Which country has the most birds?

Keefe: Portu-geese.

Keefe: Wait-

Dex: That's a language.

Keefe: Portu-gull.

Dex: Nice recovery!

Keefe: Don't you mean "nice re-dove-ery?

Tam: Turkey, how did you forget Turkey?


Tam: I had a dream about you.

Keefe: Aww, really?

Tam: You died.


Fitz: How are you feeling?

Tam: Fine, except for this headache that comes and goes.

Keefe: *enters*

Tam: There it is again.


Keefe, after watching a human movie: One of my biggest fears is the zombie apocalypse.

Tam: Well, I can assure you you're safe; zombies only eat brains.


Linh: Who's Keefe to you?

Tam: The reason I wake up in the morning....

Linh: Aww, how cute!

Keefe, earlier that morning, storming into Tam's room and hitting a pot lid with a stick: GOOOOOOD MORNING! TIME TO WAKE UP! IT'S MORNING TIME, THE TIME TO WAKE UP! WAKE UP!


Keefe: *panting and huffing*

Tam: Nobody told you to bring that big backpack.

Keefe: And nobody told you to bring your nasty attitude but it looks like we're stuck with both.


Tam: *shows up to a costume party in regular clothes*

Keefe: Where's your costume?

Tam: This is my costume. I'm dressed as a homicidal maniac. They look just like everybody else.


Dex: So... are we gonna-...

Sophie: Just give him a minute. My faith in elvin kind depends on it.

Keefe, pushing a door clearly labelled pull: What is wrong with this thing?!

Tam: Keefe, do you have nothing in your head?

Dex: Tam! Be nice.

Tam: He's doing it all wrong!

Tam, to Keefe: Use your legs and maintain eye contact. That door has to know fear for it to open.


Keefe: Maybe you should wear less black.

Tam: Maybe you should breath less air.


Keefe: Has anyone seen my shirt? Button down, faded salmon colour....?

Tam: You mean your pink shirt?

Keefe: .... faded salmon colour?


Sophie: Why is Keefe crying?

Tam: He took one of those "which Keeper character are you?" quizzes.

Sophie: Who'd he get?

Tam: Me.

Keefe, in the corner: MY HAIR IS SO MUCH BETTER!


Dex: Hello, Tam. You're looking very.... alive.

Tam: Ha, only on the outside!


Keefe: I'm cold.

Tam: Like my heart.

Keefe: Now is not the time to debate which one of us is more dead inside.


Keefe: *does something, anything*

Tam: What are you, twelve?

Keefe: Yeah, on a scale of one to ten.

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