Library... (Date?) | 1

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-The Students are about 14-15.
-Italicized sentences are lines said in a character's head.
-This story has two parts! Part 2 will be in the following chapter


"Class is dismissed. Enjoy your lunch, everyone." The Professor takes his belongings off the desk and walks out the classroom.

The class rises and headed to the cafeteria.

"Quickly, the new limited edition raspberry shortcake is being sold! We need to hurry up..." The crowd of students rushed out the classroom.

A few other students were left in the room. A few of them start a bit of a chat, as others organize their belongings.

Becky Blackbell stands up. "Anya, I'll go on ahead! I'm really willing to go get my hands on that shortcake." She excitedly squeals.

"You aren't going to wait? - Becky!!" Anya Forger struggles to organize her stuff.

"No! From this past month, you've been really sloppy lately...! Did you think I couldn't tell how stressed you've been?" she stands at the edge of the door.

Anya's friend wouldn't want her best friend to push herself, Becky wanted the best and carefree Anya that she knew.

"Come on, it's fine! I want to try the shortcake too..." Anya frowns.

"If I have the chance, I'll get another one for you. It's fine! Let's eat together once we meet at the cafeteria. Mkay?"

Anya's lips tightened at the thought of having Becky go through that crowd of students."B-but.."

"It's okay, Anya. Give yourself a minute to relax!" Becky strikes a pose and clears her throat. "Allow me to run this errand for you, Madamme."

Anya takes a breath and smiles. "Alright. Thank you, Becks."

She waves to her friend as Anya watches her run through the hallway. Becky had been her best friend ever since so Anya was very grateful for having a source of comfort such as her.

The pink-haired girl sighs and plops her head on the table. "Man.."

Anya's parents, Loid and Yor forger, had been in this "business trip" for a few days now. In reality, it was a mission given to them both by a coincidence at the same week.

Given that, Anya had to take care of the house. Make food for herself, take care of her dog Bond and multiple other chores. She had experienced these before but still, these were her least favorite moments. Loid wouldn't normally trust Anya with herself, but she insisted on doing so.

... What's going on with Anya lately? I hope she's alright. Anya hears the thoughts of the boy behind her and eyes him.

"Hey, shrimp. What's up with you?" The all-known Damian Desmond walks down the stairs. "Blackbell is right, you've been down in the depths. Like a worm...yeesh." Damian cringes.

Anya squints her eyes. "You were listening? Ya stalker."

"Oh, quit it. You two dummies are as loud as ever, anyway."

That was a lie. No one but Desmond would pay attention to what they were saying, mega head over heels for the girl.

"Anyway, about my question earlier?"

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