Foundation Festival | 1

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-I'm unsure of what their ages would be in this setting, maybe around 10+. I'll leave it up to you! :)

-Again, this story will have 2 parts. Will be updating tomorrow!


It was the day of one of the biggest events in Eden Academy. The festival in where every student would celebrate when the academy was first established and opened it's gates centuries ago, the Foundation Day to celebrate Eden Academy's 190th year Anniversary. It only happens once every 5 years.

Everyone was excited, the school had hundreds of varieties of decor all around, of which students already started working on a few weeks prior. Streamers, balloons, confetti poppers, you name it. Not one spot on the campus wasn't decorated. Celebrities and important figures would also be present in the grand event.

In the day, the students were to enjoy trying out the variety of classy dishes provided by world class chefs. As well as different activities such as stage plays, contests and more. Tonight, they were to watch a stunning fireworks show to dig into the memory of today into every single one of them.

The school would hand this entire festival day to the children, just to have fun.


"Thank you, thank you everyone for coming!" The speakers throughout the school turn on, with the voice of the Vice-Principal. "Here we gladly invite you to celebrate the 190th Anniversary of establishment... of the great Eden Academy! This grand festival happens once every couple of years, so you better make the most out of it. Enjoy!"

Almost the whole campus would cheer from hearing the announcement.

Anya Forger and her close friend Becky Blackbell walk through the passageway that you first see once you enter the venue.

"Wah, how exciting! Today is going to be the best day ever." Becky skips on the path along with Anya.

Anya, as she walks, would be mesmerized looking around the school which was covered in lots of colorful shining decor. "Pretty..."

-It looks like a Castle, Anya wants to live in it.

"I know, right?!" Her friend smiles.

By the passage in front of the entrance, there were multiple food and entertainment stalls with streamers covering the trees. Vertical red banners that have EDEN 190 sown on them hang on the ceramic pillars.

"Look at those keychains, they're adorable!" She grabs Anya's wrist, pointing at the keychain stall with high quality mini keychain decorations.

"Becky wait, look at those cute bunn-... woAAH!" Anya wasn't able to finish her sentence after being dragged by her friend.

For the beginning of the Foundation day Festival, the two decided to spend it together collecting lovely souvenirs and watching the entertainment stalls.


"Take a look at this, guys!" Ewen takes a look outside the large stained glass windows of the hallway. There was a stunning view of the decorated garden.

Emile looks out next to him, biting off a piece of his cotton candy skewer. "Wow. We sure are lucky to have experienced such an event, huh?" He says, placing his palm on the window.

Damian wouldn't say a word, he leans in on the wall reading a book.

"Boss, is everything alright?" One of the boys ask him, concerned.

He coldly responds, "You guys can go ahead and do whatever you'd like, but some festival isn't that much of a big deal. It is not of any benefit for me and my academic grades." he then walks into the Cecile Hall's classroom. "I don't even know why I came.."

Emile and Ewen frown as they watched him enter the classroom. They looked at each other, then back to the classroom's door.

"Boss, we'll bring you back a bunch of food and souvenirs! If you ever change your mind, you can find us somewhere around the stalls!" They shout.

"Oh.. yeah, thank you."

... A few minutes pass

-I wonder what that Shrimp is up to? Damian thought to himself, looking at the ceiling. Ah, Geez. Why do I even care.. ?

He adjusts his sleeve, and continues reading.

The young man disliked large festivities. He was raised by his family to see that things like those would be a nuisance to more "important" things.

Damian felt this way whenever large parties occur, mostly because of his hidden jealousy for other people having fun that he never really noticed.


The room's door opens, which startled him.

"Haha, and did you see what the mime did? He totally did that backfl-!"

Coming in was George Glooman, before he noticed Damian sitting there all alone. "Oh, hey." George awkwardly smiles and walks farther into the room.

Damian rolls his eyes and ignores him, going back to reading.

After a split second, a familiar person walks in, with her very recognizeable black headpiece and long pink hair. He saw her from the corner of his eye.

"Did you mean, backflip?" She giggles. "Yeah, I totally saw that, it was awesome!"

Wait, is that -?

The boy turns his attention to her, his eyes lit up once he saw the girl. Of course, it was none other than Anya.

She gasped, once he noticed him back. "Oh, Sy-on! What are you doing here?" Anya walks up a stair to head to her seat, about to grab a bottle of water from her bag.

"Oh... it's just you, Shrimp. Didn't expect to see you come in here." He turns his head away, slightly flustered.

"You really ignored me, but noticed her, Desmond?" Glooman smirks.

After he saw Damian's dead eye stare at him, he nervously went back to grabbing something from his backpack.

Anya, slightly confused at what just happened, tries to keep up a conversation. "Well... shouldn't you be out there, Sy-on? I think I saw Ewen and Emile around the food stalls. Did I mention that the dishes were amazing?!"

"I couldn't care less about any of that." Damian sighs, knowing he's eaten top tier food all his life.

"Tch." Anya gives the boy an irritated smile, before chugging her bottled water.

A short silence floods the room.

"Ahem, uh.. oh, Anya! Are you planning on watching the fireworks show later?" George tries to break the silence.

... "Pardon, fireworks? What's a firework?" The girl tilts her head.

-Does this idiot.... not know what fireworks are?! Damian and George said in their heads in sync, their jaws dropped.

"Hey, who're you calling idiot?!" Anya clenches her fist and arms stiffened, bickering at Damian.

"What did I do?!" -How did she even know what I was thinking...?

The boys were shocked, completely flabbergasted. There was no way she had no idea what fireworks were.

"Come on, Forger. You've probably heard of it before at least once. Or even celebrated New Year's!" George said on his seat, with his elbows on the desk.

She shakes her head in response.

Desmond closes his book. "Well, let me give you a visual description. Have you ever seen those big, crackling lights in the sky that explode, and they typically appear in the night sky?"

Anya recalls a memory in her head. It was in fragments, so she isn't sure.


-Next chapter ; Foundation Day Part 2! (Theres some actual romance in it this time, I promise.) (And longer !)

-Have a wonderful week, stay safe everyone!

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