Chapter Ten

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Third Person's Point Of View

The plan of you and Wilhemina to bake cookies for breakfast never happened. It didn't take long for her to fell asleep on your shoulder, you didn't even notice that she closes her eyes if you didn't check on her when she got silent. Wilhemina looks so peaceful, as though she's sleeping above clouds. You, on the other hand can't stop yourself from smiling, for god knows why. You're staring at her like crazy, or more likely a stupid donkey memorizing every inch of her face, from her closed eyes down to her plump and red as rose lips. She looks astonishing as always. Wilhemina is by far the most exquisite woman you ever met. Her beauty never ceases to amaze you.

You can no longer deny your love for the older woman, no matter how hard you refused to believe that you are actually capable of loving someone, despite of your situation. The smile, laughters and even the sparks in your eyes everytime she's around says it all. You feel like you've known Wilhemina before, you feel like it was destined for the both of you to meet. The older woman already become your standard that if it's not her you will be spending your life with then it will be no one. Everything is almost perfect, you love her and you're sure that she feels the same, it was evident on the way she looks at you. You don't think your family will mind it if ever the two of you decide to be together aside from Nana Maggie of course whom you think will eventually be soft for you, for her only baby. And as cheesy as it sounds like but age doesn't matter, love has no gender. Love is love. Other people's opinion is far your concern.

A single drop of tear fall on your cheeks as the thought of being with her for the rest of your life crossed your mind, spending the day with her, waking up and seeing her face first in the morning. You badly wanted to be the reason of her smile, but then “I-It will never happen..” You said through whisper and stare at her even fondly. You're sick, you don't even know what is happening to you right now, it's like you're perfectly fine yesterday and now you're close on dying. You're not sure on what will happen tomorrow, or in the next hours. You love Wilhemina, so much, but then you can't risk hurting her by the fact that you'll soon leave. She doesn't even have the slightest idea about your condition, and neither you have plans on saying it to her. You don't want to hurt her even more, she'd been subjected to enough pain.

Slowly, you hold Wilhemina's body and gently move her to make her lay comfortably on the bed. You even tuck her under the blanket just to make sure she can continue her sleep. The older woman didn't make any move, which is a relief for you because if she sees you right now, crying in mess, she'll be worried and might even ask some questions that you're sure that you'll be unable to answer. You're not yet ready to tell her everything, you don't think you'll ever be ready anyway, especially when the doctor still haven't said any word about it. You're hoping that the table will turn, and maybe someday you and her will be able to be together. You guess only time will tell. For now you'll just enjoy the moment while with her, having her this close is already enough for you to last a lifetime.

You look over to your side only to notice the clock on the table and it's already 9:30 in the morning. It's still early for you but you don't think the both of you could still bake cookies by this time, also you doesn't want to disturb the older woman from her peaceful sleep “I'll just make you breakfast” You kissed her temple before proceeding to go downstairs. You don't know what food to cook, you doesn't know how to cook a decent meal either. On the way downstairs youre too careful with your steps, as though the older woman could still hear you by here. You roam your eyes around her house and it was evident that Wilhemina truly fancy purple color, from interior and the rest. Which surprisingly fit very well in her big yet homey house. The woman already owned the color, only her looks good and elegant in purple.

Before you proceed to the kitchen you first passed the living room, it's still fresh on your memory how you and Wilhemina literally cuddle right here, how she unleashed herself and trusted you. That was one of the best night of your life, having her in your arms. The picture frame on the side of her screen caught your attention, you didn't see that the first time you came here. You walk even closer only to see the picture of you and her that you took last week, when you two watched the meteor shower. You take it and a smile quickly appeared on your lips. You're hugging her from behind while she's leaning on you all smiling.

You touched the part where she's in and appreciated how gorgeous she is. This night is probably one of the best and most important moment in your life. God, you're so in love with her. You couldn't even remember since when seeing her happy became everything to you “My Wilhemina, my lifeline” You said and chuckled “I'm crazy”  It appear so. You put the picture frame back and go straight to the kitchen, not wanting to waste any more time “What do we have here” The things you bought earlier was just fruits, chocolate and chips and you obviously cannot let the woman eat that in the morning. You opened her fridge and saw an avocado, bread and egg. Her fridge literally barely have something. “Avocado toast it is.”

You took them out of the fridge before starting to toast the bread “God, let me have this one, I'm begging” You know doing this is just simple and easy but still, there's a possibility that you will mess up everything. You put the pan on the stove and begin to fry the egg, adding salt and pepper on it “What's next?? Uhh avocado!” You're peeling it while waiting for the egg and bread to be cook. It's just an avocado yet you still almost cut your fingers while slicing it “Goodness me! This knife is evil!” While you're doing your things you heard footsteps coming towards you. You just ignored it and continue to finish the breakfast. The bread is finally done, you put it on a plate then next is the egg and avocado on top of it “Perfection-” You stood frozen in your position as you felt two arms suddenly snake around your waist.

“Good morning, baby” Said Wilhemina in a raspy and tired voice. You put all your weight on the marble table by holding it tightly “Wilhemina, I'm not God's strongest soldier. Why are you doing this to me?” The older woman chuckled and beamed her head to look at you teasingly “You're blushing my love” You rolled your eyes and hide your smile before freeing yourself from her “Don't lie, Ms. Venable. Sit now and eat your breakfast” You also prepared a green tea for her “Am i? You can't even look at me, darling” She knows how the nicknames affect you and she enjoys seeing you like this “Funny, stop it and just eat your food, will you? Please, Winnie?” Your knees felt like jelly that would give up in any minute.

“Alright, alright! You're too guilty” You just ignored her and sat on the chair across, you're just having cereal since you're not really a big fan of avocado “I have something to tell” Said you “Spill it, I'm listening” It looks like she's enjoying her food, thankfully it doesn't taste awful “So i said yesterday that we'll cook today right?” She nodded “I'm not really good at it, i think I'll just ruin our Christmas eve if i cook” She almost choked on her food upon hearing that “Haha! You sound so serious, Y/n. It's just a food why bothered so much? Haha, i thought it was something about life and death” You're bothered and even more embarrassed by the fact that it was really you who have the gut to offered to cook despite knowing well that it took you 2 hours just to finish the waffle you made for her. It's just so ironic that you owned a successful coffee shop, selling pastries without having a knowledge on how to mix the ingredients for a single waffle. Just really great “So since i cannot cook, i'm sure neither you. I'm planning to go outside later. On a steak house, i already reserved a table for two. Are you okay with that?” You asked worriedly.

“Anything would be just fine Y/n, we'll go outside later if that's what you want” You two looks like a couple planning on having a date “It's just a dinner, Y/n. And it's just me. It shouldn't bother you as much as it does right now” The older woman added, having a glimpse of your stressed face “It's you Winnie, it's you whom i will be eating with later. Everything needs to be perfect” That made her heart weighed for a moment “Oh! God, you little kid. You really don't know what you're saying. We can literally just stay here, eat pizza, and i would still say that it was the best evening of my life. Calm down woman, I'm begging you, Believe me when i say that your presence is more than enough ” You felt your cheeks burning causing you too look away “Y-Yeah, that's so kind of you” Wilhemina maybe fell first but you evidently, fell harder. She looks over you while chewing her food. You're now just minding your own business, eating your food too cutely. If only you can see yourself the way she sees you right now “I love her.. . . too much” Said Wilhemina.


This is the update that some of you been asking for, i hope it's worth the wait and I'm really sorry that I've been gone for a long time. We have face to face classes again so i literally have loads of schoolworks to do everyday. See you in five months again i guess? No just kidding. I'll update whenever i can. I hope you had/have a great day. I love you.

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