Call number 5

252 12 0

Landon | Stella

"Hello do-"

"Wait carry on" I urged 


"Oh come on" I whined heavily 

"I just wanna know what you were gonna say" I groaned 


"Ugh shut up"

"Hey" He whined playfully "You shut up"

"I'm wounded" I touched my heart 

"I am too, now, how was your day"

"Bad, but I'll live through it"

"Keep trooping on"

"That's something my dad would say" I laughed at the sad memory 

 "I miss my old dad"

"Old dad?"

"When he was happy, with....mum"

"Yeah? I bet you do"

"I just want to feel like I'm at home, I don't want to walk in feeling scared"

"You feel scared?"

"Every single time" I groaned 

"What's your name?" I asked 

"Not telling" He said 

"You're smiling"

"That I am"

[C A L L E N D E D]

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