Call number 7

261 10 0

"Hello, welcome, how may I assist you?" He said in a dull tone 

"Hello" I replied equally dull 

"Been 4 days" His tone was cold 

"I see" 

"I'm sorry" He replied 

"Okay" I huffed as I fell onto my bed 

"I really am doll"

"I tried killing myself, it didn't work" I say as I trace my hand up and down my scars

"W-what did you do?" 

"I was thinking of self harming, then I realized that I didn't want any more scars, so I decided to take some pills, I only took the right amount to overdose but it still hasn't worked"

"You're so strong"

"You think if I try again it'll work?"

"No, I mean you're strong, you're going through all this bad stuff and you still hold up"

"I'm crumbling inside"

"Talk to me"

"Not yet" I whispered as I felt myself doze off 

"How long ago did you take the pills?" He asked 

"2 hours ago?" I whispered 



"Sleepy" I slurred

"No, no, no, stay awake and get some water" 

"I so sleepy" I giggled as I pulled up the blankets

"Get water" He urged but I rejected 

"I swear if you don't get water right now we're over"

That seemed to wake me up, I quickly jumped off of my bed and stumbled downstairs, filling up my water I gulped it down with a sigh 

"Hey, now I'm not sleepy" I whined as I walked back upstairs 

"It wasn't you being sleepy, it was the pills doing its work" 


"You can sleep in an hour, the pills will wear off"

"Talk to me?"

"That I will"

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