Call number 12

251 8 0

Landon | Stella 

"Hello welcome to help-"



"If I knew your name I would say it but I don't" I joked 

"That sucks" He said in a teasing manner

"Rude" I muttered under my breath 

"Are you okay?"


"Are you su-"


"I'm not a okay like everyone wants me to be"

"What's wro-"

"I feel so lonely"


"I feel so left out"


"I want to die" I sobbed 

"Hello darli-"

"Die, die, die" I spat out as I cursed myself for being so stupid 


"Die" I screamed as I fell onto the ground 

"Die" I repeated as I bawled my eyes out 

"Die" I rolled myself into a ball as I rocked myself back and forward 

"Stella" He screamed from the other side of the line 

My eyes snapped open in realization, I did all of that in front of him

"That was so embarrassing" I sniffled as I sat back on my bed 

"So embarra-"

"Shut up" He shouted growing irritated 

"You have no right in doing that, you should be helping me" I shouted back pointing a finger at my chest "If you really needed help you would call helpline" 

"I could die right now and no-one would care, so don't go on about that" His voice was eerily calm 

"I- I'm so- sorry"

"Bye stella"

No nickname?


[CA L L E N D E D]

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