Chapter 8-puaɥ puıdןǝɥ

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No Ones POV

Nightmare and Dream walked out of the house and were about to leave until "Dream..." Dream stopped and looked back at Nightmare "We can't leave that poor man there" Nightmare said, Dream sighed "Ok Night..I'll go help him, you look for Dale" Nightmare nodded and they went their separate ways.

With Dream

Dream was hiding, he might wear colorful things but he was very good at hiding "Any last words?" Rick asked while pointing a gun to the poor boys head "P-please! I-I DO-DON'T WAN-NA D-DIE!" he begged. Dream looked at the boy with sadness and pity, Rick hesitated "Do it dad" they all turned around and saw Carl "Do it" "You're not supposed to be here!" Rick said "I'm old enough, just do it" Dream looked pissed now.

He came out of his hiding place "I'VE SEEN ENOUGH! IF HE'S JUST DEAD WEIGHT TO YOU THEN LET US TAKE HIM!!!" Dream shouted "I thought you were going to leave." Rick said sternly "I couldn't live with myself knowing there was something I could've done to help him." Dream replied quickly snatching the boy, the boy started crying while smiling.

"I can't let you do that" "Why? It's my problem if I get hurt. I'm taking him and there's nothing you can do about it" He then left with the boy repeating 'thank you'.

Meanwhile with Nightmare

Nightmare was looking for Dale until they saw him fighting a walker on the ground, something snapped in Nightmare as they ran towards them and kicked the walkers head off, Nezuko style! Dale looked shocked as he looked up at Nightmare who had a hand extended for Dale, which Dale took "Thank you" Dale told Noot "You're welcome, and Dream told me to find you so let's go to where we were so we can meet up with him" Dale nodded and followed Nightmare as Night started acting like a child slowly.

They made it there to see Dream waiting as Night lunged themself at Dream and hugged him "Hello new person!" Night said, completely out of character and child-like.

"Hey Night" Dream said while putting an arm around them and his free hand on his head, he then looked up to see Dale "So Night found you" Dale nodded "I have an offer for you" Dream stated "Whats the offer?" Dale asked "You join us and leave them" Dream said while taking off the boys binds.

Dale seemed to think for a bit before he decided, he would Hvshekebwkas&:$:)3):!:&3!:!.$£&$$£\_'nh31pjsjsjsJks jnajJ&&/!:&/!.&£!'aKmns

You Guys Get To Choose.