One - The Origins

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The origins of Zahara Whitlock


ZAHARA WHITLOCK was blissfully birthed into the world in 1954 and Andromeda and Wyatt Whitlock could never have been more content with their little bundle of joy. They had been trying for a child of their own for two years and had almost gave up all hope, but after Andromeda's 38th birthday, they soon realised that they had hit the jackpot.

After bringing Zahara home from the hospital, it was scarcely impossible to keep the smiles from off their faces as they watched their only child attempt to adapt to the world, getting ready to fit in and be apart of it. They wanted her to have the best future she could, and to have as little obstacles in life as humanly possible.

 However, such changes to fit in never seemed to take place for baby Zahara, and the hurdles had only just begun. Let's just say, everything wasn't as smooth-sailing as Andromeda and Wyatt had hoped it to be.

At her daycare she joined when she was three years old, Zahara never wanted to socialise and play with the other kids; instead often setting up her own little area in the corner of the playroom and keeping everything to herself. Zahara's emotions tended to be significantly heightened than any other child, so when it came to the time that she threw strops and temper-tantrums, they were something out of a movie.

Even so, the other kids in the daycare appeared to never want to leave Zahara alone, as if they were in some sort of hypnotic trance whenever they laid eyes on her.

Everywhere Zahara toddled off to in the daycare, you could guarantee at least two children were toddling after her, like a pack of wolves following their alpha. They were like little paparazzi for baby Zahara, and she did not like that one bit.

 At the end of the day when all the children were being picked up by their guardians and Zahara had been taken away by her parents, children were asked by their mums and dads who their new friend was that they had been following throughout the day. The only answer from the children was a few mumbles of confusion. They had no recollection of ever meeting, let alone ever seeing Zahara in the daycare. 

As these peculiar events continued day after day, staff soon caught on to this and became quite concerned. The breaking point was when Talia Sanchez, one of the Senior Daycare Assistants, was doing her room checks after all the children had their playtime. Talia walked in on a young child, swaying on the spot in the centre of the nap room, repeatedly mumbling Zahara's name under her breath. Her eyes were emitting an unnatural glow of magenta, slightly illuminating the pale look on her face, that was normally a light tan.

 This gave Talia quite the fright, and she promptly refused to ever set foot in that room for a whole month. However, when asked, the very same child never remembered any of the event.

 So Zahara's parents were privately informed of the matter, and were left to wonder what on earth had been going on.

Like any other first-time parents, Andromeda and Wyatt were understandably worried for their daughter, and so, multiple trips to local medical professionals were taken place. They never told any of the doctors their theory about her supposed, 'powers' or 'charm', out of fear that word would get out or God forbid, the police would be alerted.

Without fail, every time they spoke to the professionals, Zahara's parents were told that these things were 'normal' and they were 'paranoid'. But even after being reassured by multiple doctors, the nerves never seemed to settle down for Andromeda and Wyatt. There was always something at the back of their minds, nagging at them day and night, filling them up with constant anxiety for Zahara.

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