Ten - Reunited p1

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10 - Reunited

Peter groaned as he came to, blinking a few times to focus his blurry vision. Dark green lights illuminated his face. He could feel the cold, metal surface beneath him as he shuffled uncomfortably.

Turning to his left side as his eyes adjusted to the room, Peter was welcomed with the sight of Hank, only he had been transformed into his alter ego: Beast. Unknowing to his mutation, Peter let out a girlish scream, scrambling to his feet and startling everyone around him.

"What is wrong with you?" Peter exclaimed, checking his hands to make sure they weren't blue and furry. "Is that gonna happen to all of us?"

Hank examined his own, groaning as he realised what had happened.

"No, I just left my meds in the house." He assured the nervous mutant as he stood up with a groan.

Woken up by the loud noises, Zahara grumbled as she sat up straight. Cracking her knuckles, she observed the room in confusion before she was hit with realisation. Zahara immediately looked around for Alex, sighing in relief as she noticed the mutant beside her, looking just as confused as everyone else.

"Alex!" She cried, throwing herself at the boy as he chuckled and patted her back. 

"Glad to see you too, Zahara."

Peter turned around towards the voices, his breath getting stuck in his throat when he realised his old friend was alive. Relief hit him like a brick, and guilt lifted off his shoulders. If Zahara had died in that explosion, Peter wasn't sure how he would live with himself, especially because he knew he could've done something to prevent it.

Whilst Raven and Moira went to check up on the two mutants Peter leaned closer to Hank, quietly conversing with the blue mutant.

"So uh-" Peter cleared his throat, eyeing up Zahara and Alex as they latched onto each other. "Who's that dude?"

Hank looked at Peter, sensing the jealousy that practically oozed off the mutant.

"He's Alex. The one we thought had died in the explosion. Scott's brother. Old friend of mine, actually; we were in the X-men together." He smiled fondly at the memories.

"Yeah, yeah, cool man. So-" Peter paused, observing Zahara intently as she conversed with Raven. "So, have him and Zahara got anything going on, or..?"

Hank held in a laugh. "No, no. They've only just met, actually. But they seem to be hitting it off. Zahara saved him, you know? Before you came and saved us I saw her force-field, she jumped into his arms and protected him with it."

Hank smirked, knowing full well the only thing Zahara did was hold Alex's hand. Truth be told, he just wanted to get a rise out of Peter, hoping it would encourage the mutant to ask her out before Alex got his hands on her.

And it worked. Peter narrowed his eyes at Alex, holding his breath behind his pursed lips. He hated the thought of her arms around another man, of them laughing together like there wasn't a care in the world. 

"Are you sure she doesn't like him, dude?" Peter grumbled, seeing red as his brown eyes pierced through Alex's head.

"I don't know, Peter. Although I've got a way you can tell." Hank looked ahead.

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