Seven - Fancy a game?

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Seven - Fancy a game?


AFTER RETURNING FROM THE GROCERY STORE, Zahara and Peter snuck back into his basement with the mountain of stolen goods. Magda immediately noticed the many cassettes the teenagers had gathered, despite both of them attempting to conceal them within their jackets. She knew her son all too well, and she just hoped Zahara wouldn't be influenced by Peter's klepto tendencies.

Hopping down the last few steps into his basement, Zahara flopped front-ways onto Peter's couch exhaustingly, sinking comfortably into the plush material with a soft sigh.

"Oh fuck Peter, we shouldn't have done that! We really shouldn't have done that! What if the store owner comes looking for us?!" Zahara groaned, her voice muffled by the couch.

"Oh c'mon, I seriously doubt Eugene the cashier will come scouting every neighbourhood within New York to find us." Peter snorted, dumping the tapes onto his bed. "Despite, look at all this cool shit we have now!"

Zahara looked up, watching the boy flip through the cassettes at unimaginable speed. Her eyes absorbed her friend with no shame, taking in everything about him. Everything about the silver-haired boy enticed Zahara; his silver hair in gorgeous yet wild waves upon his head, his dark, warm eyes that captivated her the second he looked at her, and his smile that made her world go silent. His arms that were just beckoning her to run into them, and his fingers that moved faster than light, fingers that could be used for any-

"Hey, earth to Zara! Anyone in there?" Peter quipped. Zahara whipped around, turning to face the boy that was now standing next to the basements' steps. The boy raised an eyebrow: She looked as if she was caught in an act, her cheeks tinted a light crimson and her eyes wide in embarrassment.

"Whatcha thinking about?" He smirked, speeding up to her as his face settled only mere inches from hers.

Zahara took a sharp breath, her eyes flickering to Peter's lips quickly, but not quickly enough for the boy not to notice.


"I bet I know what you were thinking about." He squinted his eyes, getting impossibly closer, their breaths mingling together.

Zahara smiled suddenly, looking up at Peter through her eyelashes. His eyes widened as he swallowed deeply.

"You're right. I was thinking about how handsome-"

Peter smiled.

"-Logan is. Don't you just adore his hair?"

Peter frowned.

Trudging away sulkily from his friend, Peter planted himself onto his stool as he continued his game of Mrs. Pacman.

Zahara chuckled, springing up from the couch and striding towards the ping-pong table.

"Hey! Don't get all moody with me."

Peter huffed dramatically.

"C'mon, you know I love you Maximoff."

Peter bit the inside of his cheek, refusing to look towards the girl in fear that he may say or do something he regret. Sparing a shameful glance down at his trousers, Peter let out a sigh of relief that an unwanted guest hadn't yet made an appearance.

CHARMSPEAK | 𝔓𝔢𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔐𝔞𝔵𝔦𝔪𝔬𝔣𝔣Where stories live. Discover now