Author's note

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Hello there everyone,

I sincerely apologize about abruptly changing this book without any notice, but I've reviewed the work I did for my previous book "Clone trooper love shots" and realized that they just weren't very good at all.

Plus I've also been constantly going back and forth between some new story ideas involving Clone wars and Transformers.

So finally after several weeks of indecision I decided to recreate a book that features both the clone troopers and the transformers from varying branches of each respective franchise.

For clone troopers section stories will come from the following: Clone Wars (of course) and the bad batch.

For the transformer section stories will come from the following of these series: Bayverse, Generation One, Cyberverse, TF Prime, and Robots in Disguise (either 2001 or 2015 version whichever any of you prefer)

Now before I sign off I would like to say that gladly welcome any requests you put out for story ideas for whatever character you desire.

However that being said I have a list of wills and wonts.

I will write about-
Love (platonic or romantic)
A dash of angst for feels
Aus (alternate universe)

I won't write about-

Sensitive themes (such as abuse, bullying or suicide.)

Smut (I simply refuse to write any piece dealing something so completely vulgar)

M/M or F/F relationships. (Look I don't hate people who are gay or lesbian, if their attracted to the same gender that's their choice. I'm not going to shame them or give them grief about it because that's quite frankly none of my business.)

While I hope that my stories to one day make it to the top, I must state here and now that I simply refuse to compromise my Christian morals by writing inappropriate pieces or uncomfortable subject matters. Not even to earn popularity points for my books!

Please understand that my intentions are not to offend or upset any reader or author in the Wattpad community, but to make it clear I want my stories to be for everyone to enjoy and be comfortable in reading them without accidentally triggering emotions would otherwise upset or anger anybody.

Thank you all for your patience and I hope you enjoy this book.

Transformer & Clone Trooper love shots [Rewritten]Where stories live. Discover now